Chapter: 287
It was quiet and dark. A dead land. Barren. Every building in ruin, never to be built up again.

“No. A quiet, peaceful life can only come about when I am all powerful… this world wont allow peace for the weak.” he looked at the ruins around him.

“It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war after all.”

“Otherwise, I may end up like this city.”

With a nod, he kept walking.

“This is not a meaningless walk.” he now walked a little faster, having encouraged himself.

Suddenly, Jay got a notification..

[Immortality Research 4%]

“Huh, another page.” he thought, looking for somewhere to stop.

Ahead, there were two stone statues, so he decided he would read the new page while the skeletons fought.

As he read, the skeletons prepared for battle.

Once again, the three skeletons stood in front of Jay, while Blue stood at Jay’s side like a personal body guard.

Jay smiled and shook his head, seeing that the strategy was the same as before.

“If it works, it works” he shrugged, taking out his book.

Jay read it as the fight went on, then read it again, trying to take it in and understand it.

“Huh…” Jay felt weird after reading the new page of the immortal book, but he soon felt normal again while watching the last statue crumble before him; another victim of his skeletons.

He continued walking across the dungeon, fighting a few more groups of the statues as they marched towards the pillars.

Finally, the small band came to the three stone statues in between the pillars.

Two swordsmen and one spearman.

“Should be an interesting fight.” Jay thought as they approached.

Finally, the skeletons stepped forward, though this time Blue was with them.

“You’re gonna help huh?” Jay said to Blue who finally entered the fight.

Blue didn’t look back to its master, being wholly focused on the enemies.

The skeletons then ran off, each to their own targets.

“I’ll step in if I need to.” Jay thought.