Chapter: 349
“Let’s head inside,” he added.

The cavernous mouth of the pyramid was opened wide to them. After standing silently for countless centuries it was finally unlocked, waiting for its first victims.

Of course in other instances of this dungeon people had conquered this pyramid, but this was a new instance. As far as this dungeon was concerned, Jay and Anya were the first ones here.

As Jay and Anya approached the darkness, a stale, thick wave of foul air assaulted them.

“Eugh, disgusting.” Anya said as her face crinkled.

“Smells like death.” Jay similarly was frowning from the putrid smell.

They pulled out luminous orbs as they walked into the darkness of the pyramid.

On each side, giant pairs of statues of different soldier types were on each side, like massive columns.

Jay analysed each of them before proceeding, but they had no level – thankfully these were just scenery otherwise each of them could crush Jay and Anya simply by stepping down from each of the pedestals they stood on.

The first in the series of statues were quite different, they had no weapons or even legs – they seemed to float somehow, though they had clawed metal gauntlets.

There was no mana signature or anything, they were like rocks frozen in the air.

After those were two-handed swordsmen, archer, spearmen and lastly sword statues.

It seemed backwards to Jay because he would expect the swordsmen to be at the front, followed by the spearmen. This was the general structure of the dungeon thus far too.

On each side of the walls that the statues were placed in front of were more murals.

The murals showed mountains of crystals, lines of soldiers leading to a circular altar, and lines of soldier statues.

Near the altar was a large pit.

“Perhaps this is what the pyramid was built on?” Anya guessed.

Anya had already ventured closer to the murals behind the statues, looking across them as she tried to find any clues about this pyramid while she was trying to decipher what they were depicting.

“Seems like some sort of ritual?” she whispered, though her voice still travelled through the silent structure, echoing off the flat walls.

“Anya,” Jay whispered, “you can look at those later.”

“Sure, sorry.” she hopped back near Jay.

Jay had already given his luminous orb to one of his minions and was squeezing his nose with his hand, the stench was many times worse than all the other things he had smelt thus far.

They walked silently past the statues with the skeletons ahead of them.

Unfortunately, the skeletons made light tapping noises as they crept ahead, decreasing their chances of staying undiscovered.

The hall split off into three passageways, each path descending downwards into the earth.