Chapter: 350
“Let’s clear left first?” Jay whispered.

Anya nodded back silently under the warm light from the luminous orb.

They were already a few hundred meters down the passageway, and they began passing through some sections of blue glowing crystal.

The crystals were seamlessly built into the walls, the floor and the roof forming a rectangular ring.

Each time they passed through, the crystal rings glowed green as they responded to their presence; however the skeletons made them glow yellow.

Jay and Anya only had confused expressions as they went through cautiously.

They turned back to blue after passing through. It seemed like they were a scanner of some sort.


A distant whimper, a lonely moan echoed and reverberated through the darkness.

Jay, Anya and all the skeletons paused as they listened to the sound. It was coming from further down the passage below.

The sound made Jay cautious while he held his shield up to see down the passage, but nothing, there was no response.

He looked towards Anya – tiny hairs were visibly raised on her arms.

For some reason the single sound scared her much more than Jay.

Without saying a word, Jay decided to have a skeleton walk behind them as well, protecting them from either side.

They eventually came to an iron door. It had no door handle, instead it had a large iron bar with inscriptions covering it, and a message.

*click click click click click click~*

Before they approached the door to read the message, a series of sounds came from behind it.

Sounds of many lightly tapping footsteps came from the other side. They must have been made from stone too, but much lighter as their feet made gentle tapping sounds against the floor – rauther than heavy plodding thumps like the soldier statues did.

The inscriptions were undecipherable as it was written in with some sort of advanced helvetian hex magic, but the message accompanying it was still partly readable.

“For crimes… (unreadable) forever sealed. (unreadable) Certain death.”

A faint green light came from under the door, but both Jay and Anya couldn’t make anything else out.

Jay tapped Anya on the shoulder, beckoning her to come back further up the passageway so they could talk without whatever was in the room hearing.

“What do you think?” Jay whispered.

“I think it’s dangerous. Certain death?”

“Mm… but.. I want to know.” Jay shrugged. “And this is a level three dungeon. How bad could it be? I’m level t… nine. Ten almost.” he quickly corrected himself.