Chapter: 352
Thankfully, the inscribed metal bar didn’t react to Jay’s skeletons, so he stood back and had his other three come to help lift it.

The bar was enormous, enough to keep a giant out; even the four skeletons could barely lift it.


The bar thudded as it hit the ground and the heavy metal door could be opened.

Two skeletons were now required to pull it open, and it groaned lightly due to its immense weight; the thickness of door itself was as wide as Jay’s sword.

Their element of surprise was now gone..

Jay pursed his lips as he cautiously walked past the door; on the other side of the door were numerous lacerations and deep cuts over the metal.

Jay had his skeletons wait a moment at the entrance, forming a wall. He knew there was something out there in the darkness as he saw something moving below the door.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a few minutes – nothing.

With a quiet sigh, he began to move in.

Entering the next room, he found himself on the upper level with some stairs leading down to the right.

“Careful, there’s no railing.” he whispered to Anya who was slightly behind him.

Looking around he found the source of the purple light. Twelve large glass cylinders were filled with a glowing purple liquid.

Each cylinder was huge, like massive industrial storage tanks each of them were two stories high.

The purple fluid didn’t glow too brightly, only illuminating the floor around their bases; the rest of the room was still pitch-black.

The small party of six cautiously creeped down the stairs, slowly so that they could watch out for any threat and retreat in a moment’s notice – but still, nothing attacked.

Jay put his skeletons into a box formation as they got to the ground level, his shield raised to peer out into the darkness. Their shade vision didn’t care about the lack of light.

Jay first approached one of the cylinders, at the bottom was what seemed like a small mound, but he had to take a second look. Stepping closer, he peered inside.

Inside was some unnatural, sickly pure-white flesh at the bottom of the tank; a few soul stones meshed in with it.

It was hard to tell what it was originally, but it seemed that the outside was preserved by the fluid even though the inside had long since rotted.

Different bones and soul stones poked out of the decayed flesh as it turned to a gelatinous blob over time.

“Perhaps the soul stones were implanted into it while it was alive?” he guessed, moving to the next tank to find something similar.

“What the hell is this place?” Anya quickly whispered, sounding scared.

“Some sort of experimental chamber by the looks of it.” Jay said, trying not to sound rude as it was obvious.

On nearby walls were a series of empty sockets, though some had empty soul stones in them.