Chapter: 351
“I’m curious too… Plus, I’ve just about recovered from my last use of prostrate. About ten more minutes and I should be ready.”

“Good. Let’s just do it. If anything happens, just leave the dungeon while I have the skeletons hold them off… I’ll get the skeletons to open the door too in case it’s some kind of trap. Just tell me when you’re ready.”

“Sure.” Anya nodded.

She was as curious as Jay about what was behind the door.

Jay decided to go back to the door. He got on his knees and peeked under.

In the room there was what looked like a large cylinder of glass, filled with some sort of purple translucent fluid.

It seemed like it went further down into the room, making Jay think there were probably stairs on the other side of the door.

Suddenly five sharp dark-brown daggers tapped across the door entrance, skittering across swiftly.

Jay recoiled his head back quickly, startled as he tried to not make a sound.

“What the fuck was that…” he thought, holding his breath.

***Author here.

I’m anticipating people asking why Jay is doing 14.4 damage with a 6 damage bone hammer. New weapon damage calculation for anyone interested:

[Weapon damage*((str*char level)/100)] * modifiers = damage dealt.

E.g. 6*((15*9)/100)]*1.2 = 9.7 damage

E.g. 6*((20*10)/100)]*1.2 = 14.4 damage

The first example is from when Jay was level 9 with 15 strength.

+1 level up and 5 more strength has given him 4.7 more dmg.

The *1.2 is the modifier. Jay does an 20% extra damage to the statues when using the hammer (due to their brittle armour passive).

Hopefully this scales well into the future and I won’t need to adjust it….

Sometimes I don’t write the damage numbers for smaller fights as they become irrelevant and can take away from the fight scene (in my opinion anyway. Always happy to hear what you think though).

– Aero182


After one skeleton approached the door, the metal bar wouldn’t budge.

Jay placed his hand on it to move it to help, but it started heating up. Jay had to remove his hand before it started burning.

“Hm, I guess no humans can enter?”