Chapter: 367
No damage would be done if someone stood in it.

Above him now floated the remaining skeletons from within the pit. Jay recognised that it was well over half a million, as he had just used that many to evolve the gauntlet – but it wasn’t enough to hit the next evolution.

Still, having over half a million skeletons was just ridiculous, he wondered if he would ever need all of them.

Since the skeletons had run out and its evolution fuel had run out, he analysed it finally.

<[Necrotic Gauntlet]>

67% Full


[Uncaring Rip]

– Only useable in gauntlet form.

– Rip out a random bone from the living

– Scales with level. Higher level = more vital bone acquired

– 0.001% chance to execute

– 2 hour cooldown

[Pitiful Mortal]

– Only useable in gauntlet form

– Swat away a pitiful spell as if it were a bug

– Skeletons within storage take the damage instead

– 10 second cooldown.



– Bones are automatically extracted from the surroundings and added to the ring

– Bones are extracted from the ring, floating around the wielder.

[Amputation] (Gauntlet form)

– Only the desired amount of bones are extracted. Do not float.

– Bones can be extracted from the surroundings and added to the ring.