Chapter: 368
[Living Blueprints]

– Can store pre-assembled parts

[Shift] (Gauntlet)

– The ring changes form, storing the bones in a different form

– No mana cost


[Bone storage]

“Wow, uncaring rip? Pitiful mortal?”

Suddenly, as soon as he said ‘pitiful mortal’, Jay’s hand automatically sprung up in front of him.

“Wow… so it does it for me?” he smiled, looking at his gauntlet. It seemed that Jay wouldn’t even have to look at an incoming spell to swat it away.

Not to mention the fear factor that would be induced in someone who had their spell swatted away while they were called ‘pitiful mortal’ – That is if they made it through the skeletons to even launch a spell at Jay anyway.

After absorbing nearly nine hundred thousand skeletons, he received these two completely overpowered skills – obviously this was meant to be gained much later when he was an extremely high level.

Excited about the skills, he didn’t even notice the new function – living blueprints.

Jay had probably not even killed one thousand creatures yet, and this gauntlet was clearly meant for a powerful creature which did; It was way beyond Jay’s level.

Not including the skeletons, he had maybe not even killed one hundred creatures himself.

What he possessed now was probably even beyond the levels of everyone he knew too.

The gauntlet itself had a lot of jagged edges and points, particularly at the finger joints. If someone tried to rip it off his hand, they would have their own hands completely shredded. Each finger ended in a sharp tip, almost like claws.

On the inside however, it felt almost like he was wearing nothing.

The gauntlet felt light, barely noticeable; it wasn’t muggy or hot either, so his hands wouldn’t get sweaty. It was almost like it wasn’t there.

“Amazing…” he turned his hand around and gazed at it.

There was an engraving on the palm, but it was hard to make out what it was. It looked like hundreds of thousands of tiny circles.

“But now, how am I going to hide it?” he pursed his lips.

Would people believe he found such a finely crafted gothic knight’s gauntlet in some low level dungeon?

“Hmm… all I can say is that I found it here… I have no choice. Technically I did find it here I guess, so it’s not really a lie?” he smiled mischievously “Oh well, lying is kinda fun anyway.”

While walking back to Anya though, a part of him felt wrong for thinking that lying was fun. Was it the immortal book perhaps, influencing his thoughts? He wasn’t sure. It did seem to be somehow changing both his mind and his heart. Previously, he had no problem with lying.