Chapter: 381
“Sweeper, the bones…” Sweeper needed a moment, as it turned around, looking at the room around it.

“SWEEPER, THE BONES!” Jay was getting impatient.

Finally the confused skeleton kicked into action. It picked up bones from the pile and just before placing them in Jay’s hand, it dropped them in front of Jay.

“Dammit Sweeper…” the skeleton still didn’t hand them to him.

Jay knelt down and grabbed the bones, trying to use his analyse skill as he held it.

“Hmm..” nothing appeared.

The bone was way too heavy to be a bone, and upon closer inspection it had a glossy sheen to it.

It seemed to Jay that whatever the altar experiment did, it somehow replaced the bone with the black stone material of the pyramids.

“Damn…” he pursed his lips, putting his gauntlet hand back into the cage.

“Amputation.” He pulled Sweeper back into the gauntlet before rebuilding the skeleton outside the cage again.

Jay thought about the strange bone in his hand for a moment. It actually made sense to him that if the body was made from the heavy black stone, it would need a strong support structure.

[Chimera Research 24%]

A little smile appeared on his face as he received the notification. He managed to glean some more knowledge after all. Thankfully the effort was worth it.

“Well done Sweeper” Jay tossed the black fake bone back into the cage.

Jay searched the rest of the chamber, unfortunately it wasn’t as lucrative as the other one. The only skeletons here were not even made from bone, completely useless to Jay.

It occurred to Jay that maybe he didn’t get the bones from the specimen in the tank because its body was similarly transformed into stone.

Jay soon found another one of Estobar’s journals, but it likewise turned to ashes as soon as he touched it.

“Hmm, I had better find out who he is.” he made another mental note before moving on.

Jay finally got to the far corner of the room, and he found something that may have made the trip worth it.

A series of wooden crates were stacked up, and he began searching them.

The first crate was empty, the second, empty – the third, empty.

Jay checked through thirteen crates, and all except two were empty.

“Dammit…” he frowned slightly.

The two crates were filled with trash – only some whetstones, which were probably used to sharpen the dissection instruments as well as some more of the useless black bones, which technically weren’t real bones.

With the last part of the room searched, Jay kicked a crate and began to leave – but he stopped after only taking a few steps.