Chapter: 382
“Wait a second… shouldn’t wooden crates have turned to ashes with everything else?”

Jay quickly turned around, grabbing one of the crates.

Even the nails were corroded and barely hanging on, but the wood was fine, as if it had been cut from a tree yesterday. A curious smile slowly began forming on Jay’s face.

Since coming to Helvetia, it was perhaps the only normal organic thing he found – not that it was normal anyway.

Jay pulled a crate apart and analysed the wood.

<[Life’s Wood]>

– Life has touched the tree this wood came from, permanently blessing it.

– Time resistance 100%

– Curse resistance 100%

– Resurgence. Can grow back to its former self.

“Wow… so that’s why it didn’t turn to ash… Did the helvetians even realise this wood was blessed?” Jay wondered as he began adding all of the wood to his inventory.

“I’m guessing not since they made them into storage boxes… I wonder what I can do with this.” Jay held a piece up.

The Helvetians, with their city once covered in beautiful trees and vegetation perhaps did not think twice about cutting down some innocuous tree, turning it into usable lumber.

The wood still had a yellowish glow to it. Some pieces even had some sap on them, but it seemed like that was the best they could do since they sat quietly in the darkness for centuries.

“Huh, brimming with life. I wonder if I plant it, can I harvest more of the wood?”

“Hmm… come to think of it, I also have that weird seed to plant. I guess I can try then as well.”

Jay was yet to find a suitable location for his wyrd seed – he only had one of these and he doubted he would get another so he had to be careful, selective about where to grow it.

The quest that went along with it also said he had to ‘construct’ his tree, so he might as well try to plant some of these weird life-wood planks then too.

After having his skeletons break apart the 13 boxes, he got a total of 156 small planks.

“Awesome.” Jay was pleased with this random treasure.

He wondered if he should sell it or hold onto it.

The downside of selling it was that if it actually could grow back, it would be selling everywhere and he wouldn’t make as much money in the long run.

Plus, he considered the possibilities of using it as a sort of counter against time mages if he ever ran into someone like Kel again.

“Maybe I’ll just hold onto it. I’m sure it’ll come in handy some day, especially if I can grow my own – and if it doesn’t, then I can just sell it anyway.” he shrugged.

With even the wooden boxes taken, Jay saw nothing left in this room of value. He considered grabbing the iron chains with hooks, but he even had those at his butchery to hang meat; really, not worth taking.