Chapter: 383
“Hmm… but… in the hands of the skeletons they might be effective. Someday.” Jay stroked his chin, imagining a giant being strung up by chains with hooks, every movement it made would tear its own flesh.
“Yep, I’ll take some of those too.” he grinned.
[Duresome Chain] x 8
[Duresome Sickle] x 12
Satisfied with his odd haul of loot, Jay headed back up the passage with a spring in his step, content because he had gained the most from this pyramid without even lifting a finger.
There were no more sounds coming from above so he proceeded up the passage without sneaking.
The scanners flashed yellow again as he passed though, but Jay didn’t care.
All he was thinking about now was the bonus loot from what remained of the mannaton soul eater.
Jay arrived in the main chamber. It was just as quiet as last time – yet now another unidentifiable corpse laid below the giant statues.
The creature failed to claim any lives of the statues this time – but they still were not unscathed; the last spearman had strange corroded parts all over it while it’s grand tower shield was basically only a small buckler now.
“Eh, I guess it was a much lower level.”
Jay looked at the statues, making sure they were inactive once more before heading over to gather his loot.
Suddenly, one of Jay’s skeletons suddenly collapsed.
What? Jay froze, wondering what attacked his skeleton. He instantly looked up at the statues – nope, none of them were moving.
He walked over to the collapsed pile of bones.
Parts of the skeleton were now bubbling in a puddle of clear ooze.
“…the hell is that?”
Apart from the puddle, there was a clear crystalline shard which was crushed – and it seemed to be crushed by the skeleton as some clear liquid was slowly dripping out and causing a vapour when each droplet landed on the ground.
“Hmm, it must be shards from the mannaton’s tentacles?”
Jay got one of the bones from the collapsed skeleton and prodded it.
The bone began to bubble and cause a gas to rise as soon as it made contact. Soon it had disappeared completely.
“Cool…” he thought, not caring too much about his deceased skeleton.
Around the room there were even some deep holes in the ground, created by the strong acid as it bore holes into the earth.
“Huh, so acid must hurt the stone statues? I guess it’s not like a poison at all. Seems more like a fire which burns everything… except a liquid.”