Chapter: 399
Jay crouched and snuck low across the room.

He gazed over at the assistant; half of its body was in the dark room and half was out.

This was good enough for Jay’s trap.

Jay checked it’s health while he sneaked by. It had been almost an hour so it would have regenerated somewhat.

<[The Assistant – Level 8]>

[HP 36.5/121]

“Hmm, it was around 17 before. That’s quite fast… Could it have found more body parts?”

Surely the creature would have found the dead dihexapede, mannaton and six spearmen statues near the entrance of the pyramid.

He crept into the passage and began to close the heavy door, thankfully it didn’t squeak as it closed slowly.

Next, the iron bar. It was so heavy that he could only lift one end at a time.


“Shit…” Jay thought, hoping the assistant didn’t notice the sound from the iron bar bracing the door. Hopefully the bar would hold if only half of it was slotted into place.


“Fuck.” Jay thought as he ordered all the skeletons to attack.

*BOOOOM!~~* The creature rammed into the door with full force, probably not even realising it was shut as it created a deep heavy thud noise.


It wailed, either from pain or anger as it realised it was now trapped in here once more..

Jay sensed that the skeletons had moved in and were about to launch a synchronised strike while the creature had its back turned. The necrotic sense ability sure was handy.

“Huh, I wonder if you can even sneak attack with hammers?”

*Squash–smack-DOONGG!~ HISSSSS!~*

“Well, I guess it doesn’t matter – if it dies, it dies.” he smiled.

The skeletons struck; the beast recoiled and began striking back with its neck-mounted whips and reached out its hand once more to execute one of the skeletons.

[Your Perennial creature level 3 has been slain.]

“Damn, another blue one down.”

Jay didn’t bother to put the iron bar into the other slot of the door – it seemed that one side was enough to keep it in.