Chapter: 400
He crouched down as he raised another skeleton.


Unknown to the creature, a skeleton popped up right behind it.

The skeleton still needed to reach its hammer to do decent damage, but since there were three others attacking, it was not very hard to simply sprint around and retrieve it.

If the assistant’s face still could perform emotions, it would look completely confused.

There were four undead attacking it… then it killed one… now there were only four remaining?

What the hell was happening?

Surely it was going insane – well, more insane… but there was not much more time to think about this during battle; its health was dropping fast and it had to focus.



Only a few more hits and it was dead.

Already its natural armour and black hide was smashed and ripping; its life slowly leaving its body as its dark red blood oozed out.

It looked around to retreat, but it was already at the door which was somehow closed again. Its only option was to go back into the room, getting some distance from the skeletons.


Out of desperation, it jumped up onto a pillar and coiled around it up high – out of range of the fearsome level three skeletons.

It wasn’t a hard task with its many legs – though it was heavy, it wouldn’t be able to hold on for long. The sword-like legs were already making deep gashes and grazes in the pills, small pebbles and cracks forming as it tried to hold itself up.


It let out its frustration at the skeletons, deeply hissing, threatening to pounce one of the skeletons and end them in one hit.

This of course had no effect on the skeletons; there was no such thing as fear to the undead. For a moment however they paused, not from the hiss but because they were considering how to attack.

Master’s order has to be fulfilled. Master’s order has to be fulfilled.

The next thing they did would have made Jay proud.

One of them held its hammer by the end and began spinning, swirling around.

The creature turned its head to the side, confused.

*Swoosh~ CRUNCH!~*

The skeleton suddenly released its hammer and sent it flying at the assistant, doing just as much damage as a normal attack.