Chapter: 402
Finally, the spine revealed itself, pushing everything else aside.

Why couldn’t it just have fucking died? Why did it have to live through this?

Its intestines, bladder and stomach burst out. The stomach was punctured, and acid began burning holes into the rest of its insides.

More and more of the spine pushed through its flesh; nothing could stop it.

What kind of sick, abominable magic was this?

Finally, all of its body went limp as the nerves were severed from the head. Before that however, its eyes were deeply sunken as the brain was pulled downwards.

“Fuck, this is pretty gruesome” Jay thought, almost looking away from the horrific display before him – and he was the one doing it – and without any mercy.

Even this seemed a bit too harsh for Jay’s liking; he did mildly torture its offspring aswell which was pretty evil. If this thing could come back as a spirit it would definitely haunt him.

Perhaps even this display would haunt him for the next few days.

Finally, the spine was ripped out from its body and flew into the grasp of Jay’s gauntlet.

The gauntlet began crushing and absorbing it automatically.

The execution was successful.

[1501 exp]

The assistant crashed harmlessly to the ground, still corroding in its own stomach juices.

Jay harvested the rest of the bones from its body, yet there were not many to gain as most of them had either been replaced or had mutated into the black stone.

“Huh, I guess only the most vital bones are the ones that weren’t converted…”

Jay took note of which bones were extracted from its body: the spine, the skull, the scapula, and the collar bones.

Either these were too important to replace, or the creature simply didn’t bother – he couldn’t be sure. Jay felt like he gained some insight into necromancy, though unfortunately he got no new notifications.

“Hmm.. nice work skeletons.” Jay went to collect the bone pile as well as the bones from the dead skeletons.

“Now… what do I do with the half-bred.”


After looting the beast, there was nothing left except a soul stone – Jay had already taken the remaining bones of course.

[Soul Stone] (Empty) x 1

“Hmm, not very lucrative…” Jay pursed his lips and went into the dark room.