Chapter: 401

The creature would have sweated stressfully if it had any skin left, these undead were doing fucking hammer throws at it!

And without warning, two more hammers came flying.

Immediately the creature dropped to the ground again and ran throughout the room, avoiding the two flying hammers.

It was clear now that nowhere was safe. Neither high nor low.

It attempted to thrash about and speed past the skeletons – maybe if it was quick enough it could kill them all without taking anymore hits?

The black hand ripped another skull off its socket once more as it sped by; another skeleton was slashed at by the dire blade legs.

Good, two down… only four skeletons left now.


Unfortunately it took another hit. It’s time was almost up, it was not long for this world and its time was short.

If there was any hope for it to live, even just a sliver… it would cease it with all it had, even giving up the last half of its soul.

Suddenly, the door opened – but how?! It didn’t matter, it was hope.

The creature twisted and sped through the skeletons without taking a single hit, and just as it was about to exit through the door, something stood in its way. Something which made its whole body tense up in fear.

The human was somehow still alive despite being left alone in a room with these undead? The human which somehow ripped its bottom jaw bone off, causing it so much pain before.

Unlike before, the human now looked like the only monster here; while a gentle smile was on its face, its eyes looked hungry, like it would consume whatever would stand before it.


The creature was going too fast to stop, and it couldn’t retreat either – it simply would have to charge through… it let out a warning, but this human didn’t move.

Why did it feel threatened from this humans gaze?

Seeing the creature charge towards him, Jay lifted his gauntlet.

“Uncaring rip.” he whispered.

The gauntlet activated – suddenly, the creature paused in its tracks as it writhed in pain. It was like it hit an invisible wall and was now being held up somehow.

Then the pain began… The pain was so great that it couldn’t even howl.

It had never felt so much pain even after all these experiments; even the splitting of its soul was less painful than this.

Why was it not dying? Why couldn’t it just die? What unnatural force was keeping it alive through this pain and suffering?

Suddenly, the remainder of its rib cage split outwards; all its organs along with its two dark beating hearts were displayed – but soon they too were ripped and pushed out as bones poked through the back of them.