Chapter: 456
Obviously she didn’t invest many points in vitality, or she would have been fine by now.

Perhaps if her dexterity was higher, she would have been able to dodge its attack too. Despite putting most attribute points into dexterity she was still too slow, it seems she was simply too low level for this fight.

Jay would’ve helped her, but had his hands full as he had the full attention of the woodland best – she was merely collateral damage.

Suddenly its attack pattern changed from flailing its arms randomly in frustration to slamming its root-like hands down as if a giant hammer.

“Get back!” Jay quickly pushed the sabre girl onto some of the level 1 elementals, she fell right on top of them.

She winced from the pain, but was glad Jay pushed her as she saw the treant bring its enlarged hand down where she was just standing, cratering the ground.


The ground shuddered.

Immediately Jay slashed at its hand a few more times while it was recovering from its own attack.

*Shringg~ Slash~*

“Argh, surely it’s getting low now?” Jay checked its health.

[HP 21/182]

[HP 26/182]

“Dammit, regeneration.” he said, noticing its legs had grown root systems into the ground, “We have to end it, it’s almost down!”

Jay went to slash once more but the creature had already leaned in for him while he was distracted by its roots sprouting.

Its hands unfolded once more, forming a writhing net of vines and roots. Each of its root-like hands grasped Jay; it was like a swarm of snakes as it quickly wrapped around his head and engulfed his face.

It wasn’t just one attack either. It used its brute strength to crush his chest while at the same time it activated its drain skill.

Now it was healing 10 health per second while Jay couldn’t even call for help.

[-17] [-5] [-5]

The sabre girl only just got back up off the ground after slashing away the stick-balls around her. She took both spike damage as well as spirit-leaf damage, but the attacks were only skin deep so she was still battle-ready.

Seeing Jay’s head had disappeared into a system of roots, her eyes bulged – immediately she began slashing at the treant.

The dagger girl was only just recovering; it was made harder by all the level one stick-balls around her constantly poking at her sides.

She was doing much worse than the sabre-girl as she had loads of tiny wounds all over her body.

The treant was still draining Jay of all fluids from his body.

For a moment however, Jay summoned some willpower from somewhere and fought back; he managed to slice at the hand grasping him – though he was simply not strong enough. It wasn’t anywhere near enough to sever it.