Chapter: 457

His sword attack only made it pause its drain for a moment before its body made a deep croaking noise and then continued to drain Jay.

One of the guards went to step forward – it seemed that things were getting out of hand.

“Just wait a moment…give them a chance” Paul said, holding the other guard by the shoulder who wanted to rush in and save them all.

“Dan, we could use some help over here!” the sabre girl called out to the axeman.

Dan and Conroy were keeping the smaller enemies at bay while the three of them (Jay, dagger and sabre) dealt with the treant.

Just as he ripped his axe from the head of another slain nestling gatherer, he turned around, his eyes bulging at how badly they were doing.

“Well shit.”

***Bonus Chapter 2/5. Also it’s free-chap-15th. Other three bonus chapters will be released when I can manage it. Enjoy :)***

The dagger girl only had one dagger as she searched for the other on the ground; while she appeared to be drunk, she was actually just heavily injured and healing way too slowly.

The sabre-girl was hopelessly slashing at one of the treant’s legs, but despite her slashing the treant’s health was still going up by 2HP per second.

A cold sweat and a sense of urgent fear began building in her.

Meanwhile Anya couldn’t help for now as she had to focus on clearing the nestlings for a moment; if the glaive guy or the mace-shield guy were hooked and pulled out of formation it would be all over.

Half of Jay’s body was engulfed in the dark twisting vines, spreading from the treant’s hand. As the vines and roots searched for entrances into Jay’s body he was desperately flailing his sword though.

Thankfully, the axeman was now helping too.

Immediately, Dan raised his two handed axe above his head, his mind suddenly sharpened as his eyes focused keenly on his target.

A red glow appeared around the axe, while some red runic symbols appeared on his arms – he was finally going to use an ability in this battle. The head of the axe glowed with a sickly blood red power as it hungered to decimate all that would dare to stand before it.

The treant immediately sensed immense danger behind itself; unfortunately it couldn’t simply avoid the menacing red axe since each of its legs were planted deep into the ground, greedily absorbing nutrients. All it could do was look on in fear and wait as it braced for impact.


The two handed axe descended in a flash, causing a long red arc of the after image.

It hungrily plunged itself deep into the treant’s wooden segmented hectopede body; for a moment it seemed like it caused ripples to go across the wood..

The power behind the hungering red axe kept pushing however, forcing the body of the creature to the ground despite all its legs. Some of its knee joints twisted and snapped as they gave way to the force of the blow.

For a second the creature couldn’t move, its body shaken and stunned for a moment.

With a menacing grin, Dan stepped heroically on the creature’s back and ripped his large axe back out. He made it seem like he was merely retrieving his axe from a chopping block, though pieces of bark and dirt were ripped out along with it.