Chapter: 458
As he ripped it out, some of the treant’s legs shuddered in response, it was like he had cut across its nerves since they temporarily spasmed uncontrollably before the treant could get them under control again.

Feeling its life threatened, the creature’s eyes pulsed brighter, and some more croaking noises of twisting wood came from deep within its body.


One by one its legs began to move, then soon another, and another. It was retracting its roots from the ground.

It was clear to see that Dan did massive damage as the creature was moving more sluggishly now, it was like it could barely maintain its form.

It had to get mobile – but was it planning to retreat? Or was it now going to go after the powerful axeman?



A heavy bolt suddenly pierced right through its chest. Anya finally had enough room to turn her focus onto the treant.

The treant suddenly froze from the damage; its hollow eyes flashing out a bright green light.

This was its final moment, its last spark of life – and then the light disappeared, its large dark-wood body collapsing to the ground with a final thud.

The sabre-girl immediately went and sliced off the treant hand that was still around Jay’s head and upper body.

*Crh, chh ahh*

Jay coughed on the ground for a moment while he had to rip a long root out of his mouth; small hair root structures had found their way into his lungs.

Another part of the roots had travelled all the way down his throat and into his stomach, and with only a few gags it was out.

The axeman and sabre-girl each went back to clearing the stick-balls and the nestlings; the battle was still raging on around them after all.

The dagger-girl was under half HP but physically fine now, and so stood next to Jay, defending him while he recovered.

Jay wasn’t ok, he couldn’t stand up as his torso was still healing while his head felt like it was spinning; he had a red notification too – a debuff.


[50% Less Strength, 50% less Dexterity]

[-1HP per 5 seconds]

Jay looked like shit, his eyes were sunken and his skin was pale.

Blood drenched part of his green coat as parts of his stomach were pierced and his ribs were cracked.

Immediately he pulled out his water skin and downed it as quickly as he could. It was a shame though as he ran out after only a few mouthfuls, he hadn’t refilled it for a while.

Dagger-girl was the closest, so he rolled onto his stomach and grabbed her ankle.