Chapter: 474
***Bonus Chapter 5/5. We did it :). I’ll make up a new challenge on Monday***
“No way…” Dan said, slowly raising his axe as he gazed at the treeline.
A new monster was emerging.
“What the-? What even is that?”
“Huh, didn’t expect to see one of those here.” Paul brandished his cloud spear once more.
The creature was as tall as most of the trees. Its body was kite-shaped; large logs made a teepee shape around a glowing green core, with smaller branches and sticks filling the gaps in between.
Four thick tree trunk legs attached on each side of it, each of them thumping into the ground, every step slowly driving it forwards.
There was an opening at the front of its body, allowing green light to wash out from the glowing green core inside.
Its body was like a walking wooden furnace – of course, there was no fire inside, only the green ball of a plasma-like energy.
Jay was not reacting to it like the other adventurers; he was quietly analysing it, trying to figure out its weak spots and planning an attack strategy for his human troops – he didn’t picture himself attacking the creature, but others working together to bring it down.
A necromancer was a natural leader and strategist, and it seemed that his mind was becoming more like that.
Of course, there was some conflict in his subconscious human thoughts – a human-necromancer both wanted to work together with others, but remain elusive and solitary..
Jay could think of a decent strategy in his mind, but verbalising it and getting the human troops to perform it was another thing. Skeletons were much more efficient in this regard – they would respond directly to his thoughts, carry out the tasks Jay wanted, and would not question them at all. They would only ever disregard one of Jay’s thought-commands if Jay had verbally commanded them – his words held more weight.
“Wait here. We’ll finish the nest spore” Paul said confidently as he walked past the adventurers with the other guard in tow.
“Nest spore huh…” one of the girls mumbled.
The other guard followed him, they knew this was something only they could deal with – it was the whole reason they were here, waiting behind the young adventurers.
Technically they were meant to deal with the treant’s too, but if the young adventurers wanted to test their mettle, they had no objection.
Jay wanted to analyse the nest spore, but he was simply too far away.
Paul and the other guard marched towards it, slashing leisurely at the stick-balls and nestling gatherers as they went.
The nest spore reacted to the approaching threat, stopping its march forward as the green ball of chaotic mana in its belly began to glow brighter, filling with energy.
Paul and the other guard paused their march for a moment.
“It’s harmless.” Paul said as they kept marching – it seemed they were analysing its skills, checking that it wasn’t a threatening spell.
A pulse of bright green energy suddenly rippled out across the battlefield – all the wood elementals froze. The nestlings stopped skittering and the stick-balls stopped rolling.