Chapter: 475
Paul didn’t seem to worry too much, he kept clearing a path right to the large wood furnace.
Next, the whole battlefield changed – the balls and nestlings all suddenly began moving towards the large furnace, at first they moved slowly and orderly but it wasn’t long before it turned into a mad rush, trampling and rolling over each other.
Everyone could guess what would happen next – they tossed themselves straight in.
As their bodies entered into the furnace they immediately disintegrated. Their bodies turned into floating bits of sticks and twigs before dissolving in the green energy.
The green ball of energy inside raged chaotically as it hungrily ate all the elementals that rushed in. The more that entered, the more it hungered and glowed.
Suddenly, the furnace structure closed as multiple branches covered the front, stopping anymore elementals from entering.
Still, the nestlings and stick-balls were trying to get in, it was like they were magnetised to whatever was happening inside.
Paul didn’t look too worried as they continued to approach it, though they were forced to walk a little more slowly as the swarm of elementals had grown thicker around the nest spore.
With a deep thud, the nest spore’s four legs suddenly dropped its body to the ground, crushing other elementals beneath it.
Finally, the branches across the front opened. Its internal green-fire had died down back to normal.
From out of the mouth of the furnace, a large tear-drop shaped seed grasped at the edges, clawing its way out. It had four of its own legs supporting it, though these were much more spindly and skinny, like young saplings. It seemed that it wasn’t meant to walk very far before its legs would become redundant.
As it exited the furnace it had to push back against and even crush some of the stick-balls so it could leave – it was the only elemental that was moving away from the belly of the nest spore.
It fought against the elemental tide as it walked away from the next spore. Finding a nice piece of earth it thrust itself into the ground. Each of its skinny legs then poked up into the sky, sprouting small leaves.
“Quick, before it grows” Paul pointed, gesturing to the other guard.
The other guard nodded, quickly slicing through the tide of wood as he made his way towards it.
He reached it just as the leaves began to grow from its upwards-pointing legs.
The guard didn’t use his personal weapon for this, it was below him – he merely relied on his strength as he swatted and slashed at the elementals with his heavily-abused metal spear that all the guards were given.
A vertical slash made a large dent in it, pushing the large seed deeper into the ground.
Next, a piercing thrust – he easily bore a hole straight through it.
This seemed to do the trick, as all the leafy legs which were pointing into the sky fell to the ground and wilted. The seed was killed before it could even grow.
Paul was already casually slashing at the outside of the nest spore, chunks of wood were cleaved off with every hit – only to be replaced a moment later.
Paul didn’t panic though, he simply kept slashing.
“Another one,” he called to the guard as another 4-legged seed exited the furnace, while more stick-balls and nestlings hopped right in as if on queue.