Chapter: 479
Anya had returned to her position on the right of Jay by now, and was already sending bolts across the field, ending the nestlings in one hit.

As for Peter the lanky bow guy… well… needless to say, he was out of the battle now.

The pain must have been too immense, as all he could do was shake helplessly after his body recovered. The traumatic stress event had ruined him, and he was out of action for now – perhaps even for the next few days, maybe even weeks… Well, who knows how long.

The guards expected him to start fighting again after a moment of shaking on the ground, but it turns out he simply couldn’t, so they brought him to the back of the field with them. Peter would just get in the way otherwise.

Thankfully there were no more treant hectopedes to deal with – just a massive swarm.

The real battle started with wooden barbed hooks, flying viciously across the battlefield. Most were blocked or parried – as for the ones which did land, they were immediately cut at the segmented vine cord.

Much more of these hooks were coming at them now since the nestling gatherers had all grouped up. They also seemed to be attacking faster – some of the adventurers watching correctly guessed that the elementals wanted revenge.

*Clangg~* *Thwong~* *Dung~*

The shields were doing an excellent job at blocking them before, but now, there were simply too many.

Many elementals were being slain but the battle only got more intense.

“Ahh!” The glaive guy grabbed his shoulder in pain, a hook penetrating deep into it.

“F-fuck, help!” he was slowly pulled into the swarm as he grabbed at the mace-shield guy in front of him.

“Hey, stop panicking!” the sabre girl yelled.

The glaive guy grabbed at the mace-shield guy, trying to push him into the swarm in a panic.

The mace-guy couldn’t turn around as he was busy blocking hooks left and right – and this was only made harder with the glaive-guy pushing him forward into the swarm.

He was like someone who couldn’t swim trying to push someone else under water so they could keep themselves afloat – it would only serve to drown both of them. Of course, the simple solution would be to trust the person who could swim, but panic had gotten the better of him, he couldn’t think clearly at all as he continued to push the mace-shield guy forward, and they were beginning to separate from the group.

Jay watched this and began to feel furious; it was a stressful situation made worse.

“Just let go of him so he can cut the cord!” he yelled out.

The glaive guy had no answer, his eyes were fixated on the hook in his shoulder and the nestling slowly reeling him in.

Jay decided that he had enough. He could have dashed in, he could have resolved the situation and bore the cost of this fool’s mistakes, taking pain and damage.

Of course, the sabre-girl and the dagger girl will have paid a small price too, taking some extra damage without Jay there.

Jay pitied the mace-wielder, but made a decision.

“Leave them, let them perish. They’re as good as dead!” he said loudly to the whole team – loud enough so that the mace guy could hear.

Paul watched on from behind with a sly smile.

Next, the mace guy stopped attacking and turned around – he took a few hits from the stick-balls for this, but it would be worth it. The mace-guy immediately shield-bashed the panickey glaive guy.