Chapter: 480
The glaive guys loose grasp on the mace-guy was released – of course, he still tried to claw onto him.

“Wh- what!?! HELP!” he glaive guy yelled. He looked at the mace-guy with utter terror and disbelief.

The mace guy gave him a bitter look as he calmly spartan-kicked him away.

“I could’ve helped if you cooperated.” He said coldly as he then proceeded to get back into formation.

Seeing this, Jay nodded with a sly smile “At least one of them will be saved” he thought.

The glaive guy couldn’t do anything but shriek as he pulled on the hook – only causing it to dig deeper into his flesh. The smaller elementals all had opportunities to pierce and poke him now too, he was now figuratively shitting himself.

“Heh. I see what you did there, good decision mate.” Paul said with an approving smile as he rushed past Jay to save the struggling adventurer.

Just to teach the glaive guy one final lesson, Paul stood next to him.

The glaive guy responded immediately trying to cling to Paul, still panicked even though Paul was as calm as ever.

“Just relax.” he calmly said, patting his shoulder.

“HELP! AH! HELP!” he shrieked.

The glaive guy was a complete mess, still pulling at the hook and now he was clinging onto Paul too.

Paul just stood there like an unmoving rock, he was too strong to let the glaive guy push or pull him.

Slowly, the glaive guy was pulled past him and soon lost his grip, all while Paul didn’t move at all.

Paul looked disappointed as he shook his head, bitterly watching the panicked adventurer being dragged deeper into the swarm.

With a sigh, Paul dashed in, trampling and crushing elementals around the screaming adventurer and finally cut the vine-cord between the hook and the nestling.

He grabbed the glaive guy and put him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and then brought him to the back of the shield.

“Th-thanks. Thank you.” he breathed for a moment and caught his breath.

Seeing the battle rage on without him, the glaive guy finally got up and went to re-join the formation – but he was stopped in his tracks, a hand grasping his shoulder firmly. It was the other guard.

“Huh?” Glaive guy said.

“Nope. You had your chance.”

“B-but, they let me freaking die!!”

“No, they didn’t. You’re dismissed.”

“Dismissed? What do you mean dismissed?” he angrily questioned, not believing it.

“Dismissed as in go home, you’re done for today.” the guard said sternly..