Chapter: 495
“Weird. I didn’t see any other structures before we started walking… It’s like this tower just appeared somehow.” Jay whispered.

“Me either.” Anya shrugged.

After looking around and finding nothing of use, the two left again. Jay couldn’t help but wonder why the strange tower had appeared in the mist though. He could only guess that it raised from the ground and was simply another weird part of the dungeon.

They continued in roughly the direction of the pyramid, leaving the empty tower in the mists behind them.

Suddenly, Jay stopped in his tracks and looked around while having the skeletons form a circle around them.

“hm?” Anya gave him a questioning glance.

“Do you hear that?” he whispered.

“Hear what?”

“Exactly… they’re all quiet.”

The only sound was a gentle breeze travelling through the ruins, as the calling dihexapedes were now silent – but not for long.

Sounds of multiple shrieks bellowed out, a crescendo of wailing voices sounded out all around Jay and Anya.

“Fuck, we’re surrounded… looks like they’re pack hunters” Jay said, raising his shield.


The first dihexapede appeared from the mist with a slicing attack against one of the skeletons – the skeleton saw it coming at the last moment and was ready, bracing itself before taking a hit.

The two skeletons near it all got to work, smashing their hammers against the creature.

The dihexapede was much shorter than the level 133 they initially came across, and its speed was similarly slower; about the same speed as one of the skeletons, though this was still incredibly fast by human standards..

With no time to rest, another dihexapede appeared from the other side of the defensive circle.

Anya already began to launch bolts at them, causing them to stagger for a moment and allowing the skeletons to get some easy hits in.

Meanwhile, Jay hadn’t acted yet. He looked conflicted as he was still listening to the screeching sounds; despite there being numerous voices they were only being attacked by two. Perhaps these two dihexapedes were merely the tip of the iceberg.

Suddenly, the dihexapedes both looked at each other and scurried off, climbing back into the ruins and hid in the mist.

“That was weird…” Anya said, “maybe they were scared of each other?”

Anya’s attitude was pretty casual compared to Jay. Jay was not responding as his thoughts were racing about what to do.

He thought about the possible defensive formations they could take against multiple dihexapedes, but it seemed that fighting as many as three of them would become a life and death battle.

One thing was clear to Jay: they were in imminent danger.

“Those two were just to test us.” Jay whispered, “We might have to leave the dungeon.”