Chapter: 496
Anya now looked conflicted too – she definitely didn’t want to leave, and fighting with Jay was a rare opportunity only afforded to her.

The attack hadn’t begun, and perhaps it was a good thing that Jay didn’t attack. The dihexapedes wouldn’t know his power and would possibly hold off attacking. Even for a moment it would be an advantage.

Jay was stressing slightly, clenching his jaw while trying to think up any possible formation – but he realised that wasn’t the answer.

This was when he remembered the silk woods dungeon. Against an overwhelming force of ethereal spiders, he used a chokepoint.

“We have to get back to the tower.” he was still whispering, but a little more loudly.

“O- ok.” Anya was surprised at how tense Jay seemed; he was usually much more relaxed.


The attack signal sounded as they started moving back to the tower. It seemed that the dihexapedes noticed their change of direction, and responded immediately.

“Run!” Jay yelled.

He had three skeletons protect them from behind, while two ran at either side.


One was really close, screeching from somewhere behind them, but no one looked back.

[Your feeble creature has been slain]

The small skeleton was grabbed and executed immediately, though Jay ignored the notification. He was just glad that the new skeleton served a purpose, even if it was to slow down a group of dihexapedes, if only for a moment.

Jay’s shield squeezed his arm right before another dihexapede appeared from the mist in front of them.



He raised it just in time, blocking a slash from its claw while he had the two skeletons on either side jump on it and keep it busy. They couldn’t afford to slow down.

“Uncaring Rip!”

Jay stashed his shield and reached out with his gauntlet – the creature shuddered for a moment while its collar bone was ripped out, causing it immense pain.


Despite the tense situation, a sly grin appeared on Jay’s face, though only for a moment.

Jay and Anya slipped past it as it was beaten by the skeletons’ hammers. Jay made them throw caution to the wind and take damage so they could deal as much as possible. The dihexapede clearly didn’t expect such resistant yet careless enemies as it let Jay and Anya dash by.

Only two skeletons were left guarding them now, bringing up the rear of the party.

Jay and Anya kept running, only hoping they were going in the right direction – the tower was still nowhere in sight, while it was hard to tell if they were even going the right way.