Chapter: 499
“Oh, it’s only level three? I guess it’s strong because of the soul linking…Damn, so there’s thirty-one of them? I wonder what happened to the other twenty-seven…” Jay rolled his tongue in his cheek.

“I wonder if there are bigger packs than this.”

The treant slashed at the skeletons as Jay jumped closer.

None of its abilities took Jay by surprise, so he fearlessly went in and began slashing again, supporting the skeletons and blocking a few hits.

*Clong~ – Shring~*

He blocked a swipe with deathwalkers sentry and retaliated with a slash.


A heavy bolt flew past and pierce the creature right in the centre of its chest.


Seizing the opportunity, one of the skeletons suddenly dropped its hammer and pierced its claw-covered hand right into the dihexapede’s abdomen.


Jay could only guess what was happening as he looked on. It seemed that the creature was in immense pain as the skeletons hand carved up its insides, searching for one of its hearts.

The pale sunken eyes of the creature began to roll back into its skull as the skeleton found its target; a lump of black flesh was ripped out and the creature fell to the ground.

[65 Exp]

The skeleton dropped the heart of the creature on the ground, while the other one searched it, bringing back three soul stones for Jay.

“Oh, maybe they don’t drop helvetian rings? …that must be why there’s so many soul stones to collect.” Jay thought as he added them all to his inventory.

[Soul stone] (Empty) x 3

There was only a short breather from the fight, as more dihexapedes were outside, trying to claw their way in as they fought over who got to enter the tower next.

Jay and Anya could hear them crawling all over the walls and the roof; their bug-like stone legs tapping and thudding against the outside.

Thankfully, the tower stood strong. It seems that it was another invincible part of the dungeon’s core structure.


Another dihexapede charged in, carelessly trampling over its fallen brother and piercing its corpse to no end.

“Ugh… how many are there?” Anya reloaded another bolt; the rails of her weapon still glowing slightly from the last one.

“Just keep shooting them.” Jay ordered as he stood between the skeletons once more.

The duo continued to fight, stopping any dihexapedes from getting further in – they have no other option. The tower was both like a trap and a perfect defence, and they would hold their ground..