Chapter: 500
A few more shrieks and scratches later and the second one was dead.

[65 Exp]

[Soul Stone] (Empty) x 2

Jay blocked many times during the fighting, and Deathwalker’s sentry lost its green necrotic glow as its energy dwindled, though it wasn’t much of a problem now that Jay had put more points into his energy, easily recharging it.

The freshly summoned skeletons had finally recovered their armour and re-joined the fighting. They didn’t have any of their hammers so Jay just gave them the daggers he crafted in the third pyramid. They weren’t very effective against the petrified bones of the creature’s exoskeleton or its thick leathery flesh, but it was better than nothing.

The level one feeble creature was by Jay’s side all this time. It seemed to want to attack but so far, it found no openings.

Jay really couldn’t blame it though, the dihexapdes were a much higher level, and it was much slower and smaller than the other skeletons.

Another dihexapede ventured into the tower entrance, though it had a tougher time trying to get in because of the other two corpses.

After taking a few hits from the skeletons and having hardly any room to move around in, it retreated.

“Huh, I guess they’re not completely stupid.” Jay shrugged.

The attack was finally over.

“Phew, that was a little intense.” Anya sighed.

“Yeah. Good thing this tower was here.”

“So what now?”

“Hmm, I’ll send out some skeletons to see if there’s any enemies left in the area. Then we can move to the fourth pyramid.” Jay said, as two skeletons immediately ran out of the tower and into the mist.

“Okay, sounds good. I still have my skill if we need it.”

“Good,” Jay nodded, “just save it for an emergency.”

Anya nodded as she watched two of the skeletons leave. Her eyes then drifted to a different skeleton. It was acting strangely.

“Hey, that one is being weird.” Anya pointed.


Jay watched the skeleton for a moment, it was periodically looking at the bone pile. Jay analysed it, and a grin began to form on his face.

“You already levelled up?” he smiled.

<[Germinating Skeleton Level 4 – Blue]>

[Type – Undead]

[Role – Unclear]