Chapter: 52
Dexterity: 25

Vitality: 25

Energy: 35/35

Exp: 63/1500


[Raise Feeble Creature level 3] – 2/3 Raised

[Shell Restoration Level 1]

[Undead Mastery Level 1] (Passive)

[Stress Response] (Passive)

[Running level 1] (Passive)

[Dagger Proficiency level 1] (Passive)

[Poison Resist 10%] (Passive – equipment)

[Necrotic Ring Function 2] (Passive)


[Chimera Research 2%]

[Immortal Research 2%]

“Hmm, I’m getting pretty tanky. Maybe they will try to give me a shield and make me a tank” chuckled Jay, talking to himself as he sat on the bed and looked at his hands. They seemed to be getting thicker and more masculine.

“Well, time to head back to the adventurer guild, they won’t wait for anyone.”

As Jay left the inn, he noticed Tamara cleaning the counter, while Devin was nowhere to be seen – probably still asleep.

Jay took one last stealthy peek at her voluptuous figure before he exited. After all, this inn wasn’t popular just because it was the only one in the village…

As Jay went outside, he noticed the top-knot guy loading up wooden crates full of merchandise into the merchant’s cart. Seeing him struggle, Jay paused for a moment, watching.

‘Any second now…’

It wasn’t long before the malnourished-looking man dropped a crate on it’s side, and a number of fancy-looking weapons fell out – daggers, throwing knives, short swords and what looked like fish hooks. The thing that struck Jay the most were the colour of the blades, some were blue, green, cyan – while others seemed to have an ever-changing pattern on the blades.

“Wow, are those magical weapons?” Asked Jay, attempting to act casual and hide his excitement.

“Y-yeah…” said Hess, as he looked around, hoping Bertram wouldn’t notice while he put the weapons back into the crate.