Chapter: 53
‘Top-knot guy isn’t very talkative, I’m probably annoying him.. guess I’ll go..’.

Looking at the cart as he left, Jay realised this belonged to the same merchant he saw yesterday – the one yelling at a stable boy.

“Huh, I wonder why he’s hiding those magical weapons, they’re way better than the ones he has on display now… hmm… maybe they’re only for the rich? Oh well, not like I even need weapons” thought Jay as he smiled and began to jog towards the adventurer guild on this cold, crisp winter morning.

***This is a free auxiliary chapter. This is the book Jay was reading. You can skip it and still understand the story, I just thought It would be fun to add. Thanks, Aero182***

An observation of Belphemon, the joyful..

You have found a task to do, yet you do not. Why do you wait, o sloth? If you wait a day, why not two days? Perhaps a week, perhaps a year? Would you wait an eternity?

You can achieve your task today, yet you do not do it. Why, o sloth?

Reason with me, and consider the mana-ant – the smallest of creatures, yet it gradually moves mountains.

It does not wait, even though It has no overseer to command it to move or to work – yet it continues each day, to gather its food and to reinforce it’s nest.

Will you continue to lie down, o sloth? Will you continue to say “tomorrow I will do it, for today I rest”?

You say just a second, just a minute, then just a small moment – and so the days pass while you achieve nothing.

Out of nowhere, you wake up in poverty. However, realising your situation, you give up. “Nothing can be done.” you tell yourself.

And behold, a homeless immortal, completely undeserving of any respite – yet this respite is all they know, this respite is what destroyed them. Every day is pain as they have no purpose. They continue to die inside, yet they live.

– Belphemon, the joyful.

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“Sir, reporting. I was out hunting a glade deer, b-but I found something…”

Pausing for a moment, the guard looked at him curiously. ‘His eyes look serious…’ thought the guard.

“It’s… It’s hard to describe… It was.. Blood everywhere, the deer’s guts were hanging from trees. It was evil. Horrific. I can show you, it’s not far.”

The guard held up his hand, attempting to calm the man. “I’ll report it to the captain, thank you. Go home and rest, don’t leave the village for a few days.”

“Yes.. I’ll go home… mm.” the hunter sounded emotionless. He was mentally scarred for life.

Jay approached the adventurer guild again – this time when he heard the guard yelling out to make way for the rich brats carriage, he didn’t even look back – he simply stepped to the side of the road and kept walking.

As his carriage sped by, a pair of eyes were death-staring at Jay from the luxurious curtains, obviously the noble brat didn’t like this – how could he start the day without making at least one other person suffer?

A superior, smug smile appeared on Jay’s face as he thought “Fucking loser” while the carriage kept moving up the path.