Chapter: 525
Jay decided to make himself a better hammer; using his necrotic mana, he melted away the bone from one of the other ones and saved the iron bar, before using it to craft another.

<[Bone Hammer Level 2]> (Iron Bar)

[8 damage – crushing, bludgeoning]

[5% chance to stun or cripple targets – Dependant on point of impact]

[Lifespan – Requires necrotic essence to maintain it’s form]

[Current lifespan: 10 hours].

“Not too bad.” Jay nodded, standing up again.

He would have re-crafted the others but he decided to save his mana, he was getting low from all the summoning and crafting.

With one last look around the room, there really was nothing worth taking. All the metal tools would not enter his inventory, and hence could not leave the dungeon. It was almost like the most lucrative rewards were at the start, when he could have taken all the sparkling ore. Basically it was like a reversed dungeon.

Still, the exp was worth it to fight the boss for. Jay would have done it differently if he knew how powerful it was, but in the end it was worth it.

“Have you finished crafting your things?” Anya asked with a yawn.

“Yep. Let’s see what’s up the stairs.” Jay pointed to the passageway.

They both walked back down the passage they came down, though Jay gave one last look at the cube-forge. It was an impressive piece of magical technology after all.

When they made it back to the stairs, they entered stealth-mode again; Jay and Anya cautiously crept up the stone stairs to the top floor this time.

They didn’t know what to expect but if it was anything like the blacksmith statue there would be a possibility of instant death.

It was pitch black again, and Jay decided to hand his cheaper luminous orb to the feeble creature. It could do the scouting for them since they couldn’t see very far ahead anyway, a safety precaution of sorts.

Jay wasn’t exactly sure how the statues had any vision at all, but it seemed that neither light nor darkness made a difference to them, which worked in their favour as seeing a glowing orb across the room would have been like a beacon.

Reaching the top of the stairs, they looked around and to their fear they entered a room full of weapon racks – all covered with glistening Helvetian steel weapons.

Most of the swords and spears were the ones they typically saw the soldier statues carrying, but among them were a few daggers and other odd weapons – some looked like fists with spikes on them while others were sickle-shaped attached to long chains.

One of them was just a metal hat with a sharpened rim. Very edgy.

Jay was slowly getting ideas for future weapons for his minions, but Anya had other thoughts.

“Imagine if the blacksmith was up here…” she whispered.

Jay didn’t nod or respond to her whisper.

He knew it would have been fine since the blacksmith was bonded with its hammers which is why it was so powerful, but he decided to say nothing.

It would take too long to explain and it wouldn’t change anything anyway.