Chapter: 534
“Looks like it’s our turn.” Jay whispered to Anya.

Anya nodded back with a smile as she mounted her crossbow onto a weapon rack and took aim.

Anya mounted her crossbow onto the top of a weapon rack and took aim.

*Pshew!~ Phoonk!~*

The bolt effortlessly pierced into the side of the statue’s head with a critical hit, cracking its head sideways and almost causing it to stumble.

All the skeletons took advantage of the statue’s brief state of pain to move in closer and do some easy damage.

They managed to get a few hits in but the statue quickly recovered, and before its head was even upright, it was lucid enough to defend itself.

The floating swords started to whirl once again, but not quickly enough as Blue and Sweeper were able to pass through and deal heavy damage.

The two skeletons within the whirling swords forced the statue to alter its sword technique. It promptly thrusted its stone swords back and pierced Blue and Sweeper, however, this just meant that Red was able to hit it from behind.

This was the least of the statue’s problems though, as the threat of the heavy crossbow was still present, shooting it from somewhere in the darkness among the weapon racks.

It seemed annoyed as it suddenly grabbed Red with its gauntlet and tossed it into the path of one of its floating swords before marching towards wherever the crossbow had fired from. The helpless skeleton bounced off and landed in a pile of debris.

The statue was closing in on their location.

“Here we go.” Jay said, raising his shield.

Anya nodded, after reloading her crossbow she mounted it on top of a weapon rack and fired again.

*Pshew!~ Tring~*

The statue somehow blocked the bolt with one of its floating swords..

“…was that on purpose?” Jay squinted.

It was hard to tell in the darkness and the chaotically spinning swords, and Jay could only hope the statue wasn't that much of a sword master.

Still, they technically outnumbered it seven to one, so master or not, it would not remain in this world much longer.

As it drew nearer, the weapon racks were more dense, which proved to be an issue – it couldn't spin its swords around its body anymore. The racks did act as barriers on either side though, so for it now had a sword defending its back from the skeletons while one was at its front.

“Tell me when you're about to fire.”


Just before Anya shot, Jay made the decision to charge an unstable tooth spell and cast it.

“5 seconds… … 3..2..” Anya counted down while taking aim again.

*Boom!~ tat tat*