Chapter: 535
*Pshew!~ Phoonk!~*


The statue didn’t anticipate the small tooth to explode in its face, as it actually just seemed like a small rock. This allowed the second bolt to follow without interception, which it was now pierced through its cracking stone helmet.

“Nice.” Jay smiled and nodded.

Now that the statue was directly in front of them, Anya pulled out her orb so they could see more clearly throughout the battle.

The statue finally reached them; it would deal with the biggest threat first, which it believed was Anya – it still hadn't connected the skeletons to Jay.

*Clang Stab Clang!~*


“Argh!” Jay gritted his teeth, he didn't expect it to attack so ferociously.

The floating sword knocked Jay's shield away and stabbed into his shoulder before he could block again.

“It does piercing damage.” he raised his shield as he backed up a bit.

Jay wondered why the skeletons weren’t assaulted as aggressively as he was, but after observing them, he soon understood the trick.

He rushed forwards with even greater violence, his zeal only surpassed by the skeletons as he started to strike furiously after taking his final spare hammer from his inventory.


The foe had to use its swords for both attacking and defending, so Jay would merely force it to defend. Its tactic was like a double-edged sword. He deflected one blow as he charged in, but his plan was starting to pay off.

*Doonk!~* *Clang!~* *Dong~*

Neither the statue nor Jay were scoring any hits at this point, but that's exactly what Jay wanted.

The only thing it could do was deflect his hammer away with a hovering sword before it could smash its body up. It remained stuck here as long as Jay swung his hammer at it wildly; at least, it would be a stalemate until Jay became too fatigued.

However, Jay wasn't alone.

*Pshew!~ Phoonk!~*

Another bolt landed on the statue; a critical hit right in its face.

*Crack!~ Chip~*

Pebbles and flakes of stone broke away.

The skeletons were attacking from behind, and since there were five of them they were able to land a few occasional hits too.

Unknown to Jay, the statue was actually trying to go for Anya, the highest damage dealer, but he managed to block its path – he just naturally assumed he was the target.