Chapter: 536
The statue would probably have launched a few swords at both of them already if all of them weren't destroyed by the troublesome skeletons. It was a fearsome opponent before, but now it was just a matter of time before it fell in battle.

Out of its seven hundred hit points, it had been whittled all the way down to only one hundred and thirty now.

“Not much longer now…” Jay smiled, knowing that the enemy’s demise was drawing closer.

Already, the statue’s armour was crumbling. Deep cracks and missing chips of stone were all over its body – not to mention the three bolts sticking out of its head.

Jay didn't need to check its health to know it was almost finished.

As its health went below one hundred, the statue suddenly changed.

“Oh?” Jay wondered what was happening.

The feel of the fight suddenly felt different, more surreal. He felt like he sensed something he couldn't quite grasp.

The statue shook its body and its stone armour all came off – not that it was helping it much anyway.

Suddenly its long claw-like gauntlet gripped the air; it was like the statue was trying to remember something as its focus was heightened.

The atmosphere changed completely, despite the flying blades whirring around and the skeletons continuing their attack, the battle went completely silent. It was like all the air had been sucked out of the room; no sound could pass.


For a fraction of a second, a transparent, ghostly sword appeared in the statue's hand before disappearing again, replaced by a strange thickness of air.

“Sword… visualisation? Sword summoning?” Jay guessed. Whatever it was, it felt wrong.

That was Jay's only thought before it suddenly swung at Jay.

*Vrrrr~ Boom! Boom! Boom!*

There was no sword in its hand, only a strange dense air, almost like a mist or a shadow.

Jay was knocked into a weapon rack after it slashed its arm sideways, while a trail of ethereal swords followed straight after.

[-5] [-5.3] [-5.5] [-5.7]


Jay quickly rolled out of the way, knowing each of the ghostly swords hurt more than the last. Somehow it activated one of its sword skills.

“It's not even a real sword and it hurts that much? Fuck.” Jay raised his shield, getting back into his natural defensive style again.

[-2] [-10] [-5] [-5.3]

“Grah!” he yelled as he was stung and pierced.

Immediately he was punished for going on the defensive, as the floating stone sword could attack freely now – it was Jay's offence keeping it busy after all.