Chapter: 539
Jay wondered if it was somehow made harder because he asked for more rewards, but still, he had solo’d most of the dungeon so far so that would have naturally made it harder. Being a necromancer, he didn’t have any idea how hard it would be for normal adventurers; there was no way to gauge it.

Either way, he was managing it well.

“One more greater soul stone… hmm. And two more pyramids? Odd…” Jay scratched his chin.

“Wait, fuck! Did Hessven drop a greater soul stone? Dammit, he jumped into a fucking furnace!” Jay kicked the remains on the truth guard in anger, only causing it to fall apart even more.

“Come to think of it, why did Hessven have a name and this one didn’t?” Jay tilted his head and looked up in thought.

“Hmm… I guess the sword whisperer was dishonoured, so perhaps that’s part of it?”

“Oh well…” he frowned with a shrug.

Walking back to Anya, he was still a little disappointed after realising there was no loot from Hessven.

Anya saw Jay with a solemn expression again after the battle, but again, she decided not to ask about it.

After all, the choice to enter battle always came with the potential for personal sacrifice and hardship, but many never realise the choice of inaction also comes with sacrifice.

The skeletons were waiting next to the bone pile; some were eating to recover health and armour while Blue stood by and watched over them. Jay thought that he seemed like a worthy commander, watching over his troops while they went about their business.

The pile got smaller so Jay gave them a warm smile and added more bones.

“Hey… you aren’t injured… Why are you eating?” Jay gazed at the small skeleton.

It neither made any sense that it would eat since it didn’t get the bone eater skill till level three – but that’s when he realised why.

“Oh, you levelled up. Good.” Jay patted it.

Anya grimaced a little seeing Jay patting the skeleton, there was something discomforting about it.

As it ate, it grew before their eyes as its bones creaked, cracked and reformed. It was still below shoulder height but much taller than it was.

“Well, I suppose I should name you.” Jay looked around, “Dark.”

“Aw, no ceremony?” Anya teased with a smile.

“Nope. You should never declare an assassin. It defeats the purpose” Jay said as if it were a matter of fact.

Anya shook her head with a smile as she looked at the young level two skeleton, twirling its dual daggers.

“It seems like it’s getting used to them again… now that its body is bigger” Anya thought.

“Shouldn’t be long till Red levels up either…” Jay said, hoping Red would get an interesting role choice.

The skeletons had already collected all their weapons, but Jay gave them another order to collect the bones too – he simply couldn’t be bothered to go around and get them himself.

The skeletons each scurried off into the dark corners of the room, each of them knew exactly where they had died so it didn’t take too long to collect their own remains, bringing them back and adding them to Jay’s bone pile.