Chapter: 540
Jay stood by waiting, and considered how he didn’t realise the skeletons had levelled up.

After all the skeletons were healthy and healed, and had gathered the bones, he gave them a new command:

“If any of you need bones, come to me.” he squinted at them.

Jay landed his eyes on Blue for a moment to make sure his order would be ingrained in their skeletal skulls.

Blue was becoming a competent leader, and strangely, Jay felt a sense of trust growing in the skeleton; the trust in its reliability.

Finally, Jay added the bone pile back into his gauntlet and gave his orb to Lamp, letting Dark continue to dual wield again.

“Hm, I wonder if Lamp gets a class from, well, literally being the lamp carrier…” he watched it for a moment as they walked to the back of the chamber.

“Hm, I wonder if Lamp gets a class from, well, literally being the lamp carrier…” he watched it for a moment as they walked to the back of the chamber.

“Red will level up soon too, but I haven’t really given it any special treatment. I’m guessing it will be a basic class since it’s just been using swords and hammers all this time.” he thought as they approached the back of the room.

Jay actually preferred this much more than to how it was with the mana conduit and humans; sometimes you would get a class which matched your experiences, other times it was completely random.

At least Jay could guide the skeletons, or even find ways to raise new classes. It would be better to hand-pick your own armies classes rauther than have it filled with all sorts of strengths and weaknesses arising from randomness. In the grand scale of war, it also allowed a tactician to shine.

At the back of the room there was a large stone table, about chest-height. Chips and dust of stone covered it, along with small scrapes and cuts all over the surface.

It seemed to function as part of the swordsmithing area which has its fair share of usage over the years.

Behind the table, a few broken weapons sat on weapon racks and a small passageway led further into the pyramid.

“Hm, probably the exit.” Jay guessed as he slowly walked around the table and all the other junk. Before departing, he had Sweeper and Red quickly search the area for any items but they came back empty handed.

Anya patiently followed him, while Sweeper covered the rear of the party, just in case.

There was always the chance that the walls could drop down and two of the dual-wielding statues would spring to ambush them after all.

The passageway was small compared to the rest of the pyramid, but large enough for a statue to walk through.

Two skeletons could walk side by side so they would be okay even if there was a statue present.

Jay assumed this passage was for maintenance as there were no decorations or even simple pillars – just some more pieces of broken sword or snapped spearhead occasionally on the path..

A light at the end of the passage appeared, and soon some distant steps could be heard.

Jay held his hand up, causing all of the party to stop as he listened.

“…Marching?” he whispered as he listened intently.

“Let’s get closer and see.” Anya whispered back as she gazed at the end of the tunnel.

Jay nodded, but decided to have Dark take the lead and walk further ahead of the party.