Chapter: 541
“If it’s going to become an assassin it would need to get better at sneaking, so it might as well start training now.” Jay thought.

“Hmm, come to think of it I haven’t seen many assassin classes….” he scratched his chin, “actually, I have seen none. I wonder if they’re forced into the military or something?”

“It might be a dishonourable thing to be an assassin, but it technically isn’t me carrying it out, so I don’t really care.”

“Besides, most people who bring up honour are like that Matheson brat. Just hypocrites using it to manipulate people.” he frowned slightly. He thought it was quite a sad thing, as the idea of honour would probably be a good thing if people used it correctly.

The sounds of marching became more apparent as they neared the exit; Jay’s guess was correct.

Crouched down just before the passageway ended was Dark.

Jay thought that Dark seemed happy that it made it to the end without being detected, though to Anya, it just looked like all the other undead skeletons.

The light greeted them once more as they found themselves in another courtyard.

Two walls on either side of them led to two pillars which acted as guard towers. There were statues patrolling on the walls while a line of spearmen statues stood between the pillars.

It was just like a mirror image of the entrance to the pyramid, except this time they would have to escape. The only difference was that there were no dihexapedes attacking or any of the magic-casting floating statues.

“Hmm…” Jay squinted, looking for any weakness or path of least resistance.

Suddenly, a statue on the wall turned and looked directly towards them.

Without saying anything it pointed its spear upwards and then slammed it into the ground.


A deep thud sounded in the whole courtyard, and all the statues suddenly turned to look at the undead and humans standing in the entrance.

For a moment it was silent. Both parties just watched each other, seeing what the other side would do, until finally the march began.

The statues were the first to make a move. They all took a step forward as they marched in sync, causing more deep sounds with each step.

“Shit.” Jay pursed his lips.

“So much for finding a weakness and busting out.”

He casually turned and walked back into the passageway as the skeletons went past him and made a defensive formation.

Three skeletons remained just outside the door with two behind them in the passage. Blue was at the centre of course, as it was currently the strongest skeleton.

Jay realised they would have to slowly retreat back into the passage as they killed statues, but that would work in their favour as it would be two skeletons versus one statue.

“Feel free to fire your bolts. The quicker we get this over with, the better.” Jay said, a tone of boredom in his voice.

Anya nodded, but looked a little confused. They were going to kill about fifty statues and he seemed bored?

How? Why? It didn’t make much sense. Most adventurers would be pumping with adrenaline and excitement right now.