Chapter: 64
“You’re stupid.” She went back to being vigilant once more, still shaking her head.
It was night-time in the dungeon, a diamond-shaped blue moon was the only source of light. The whole landscape was flat, paved with black stone, while black obelisks the size of trees randomly dotted the land. In the distance, an obelisk stood out much higher than the rest – it was the size of a mountain.
“That seems like where we need to go” pointed Jay towards the huge obelisk “Muffin, take the lead”. The goblin-like skeleton walked ahead of them.
“I’ll stay in the middle of you two since I’m ranged” said Anya, Jay nodding in agreement..
“Wait! Don’t leave. I want to catch up to that level five loser. We’ll get loads of exp from the level four bayrings.” Matheson said with confidence.
“But they told us we should leave if this happens, and~” Trenly was interrupted before he could finish.
“No! You’re using my bow, and you will be my partner till this is over!”
Sighing, Trenly frowned as the duo started exploring the level four dungeon.
As Muffin was walking past an obelisk, it lit up with a gold glow. Suddenly, a circular indentation appeared on the walls of the obelisk – two bayring’s flying out of it. It appeared as if they were merged with it before the obelisk was activated.
These monsters were strange, Jay had never heard of anything like them. They were simply a flying yellow ring with a blue diamond-shape crystal floating at the centre. Jay analysed the creature.
<[Bayring – Level 2]>
Type: Phenomenon – Normal
HP: 50/50
[Coil] (Passive) – The bayring’s outer body naturally spins at high speeds, giving extra damage to it’s melee attack and charging it’s crystal.
[Discharge] – 5 electrical damage – 5% chance to stun for 2 seconds. After charging its crystal, the bayring unleashes a devastating attack. 30 second charge time.
[Graze] – 3 Friction damage/second – Slows down the Bayring’s coil, resulting in a lower charge rate. If the target is in contact for longer than five seconds, they become burnt and take [50%] extra damage, though the Bayring is safely discharged.
No one is sure what these things are – do they grow from the obelisk, is that their home? Are the Bayring’s just a defence mechanism of some long-dead ancient civilisation? We don’t know, perhaps we never will.
“Huh, they have a lot of health for a level two monster.” Jay compared them to the monsters from a level one dungeon. “Perhaps their base stats get higher, the higher level the dungeon.”
Immediately, the two ring’s flew at Muffin and started grinding from either side.
“Shit!” Jay said as he ran towards Muffin and stopped the attack on one side with his shield. Anya had already responded with a heavy bolt, hitting the other bayring perfectly in the crystal at it’s centre – it went flying away and tumbling to the ground; it’s yellow ring stopped spinning completely.
A damage number appeared over it