Chapter: 65

It was a critical hit.

“Nice one Anya” said Jay as his buckler was heating up, the bayring grinding against it. Muffin was quick to act as it started slashing at the bayring, some attacks hitting the crystal while others hit the ring.

“The crystal is the weak spot!” Anya yelled as she was racking another bolt.

“Got it” Jay said as he made Muffin focus it’s attacks on the crystal.

The Bayring on the ground started to spin up again as it levitated once more.

“Ouch,” Jay pulled his buckler away as it was almost getting too hot. He took out his knife “guess I can’t let them have all the fun” he said, stabbing his old cooking knife into the crystal.

Muffin’s claws were only doing one damage without a bleed effect since it was an inorganic life-form; however when it tried to bite the crystal, it didn’t only crit, but did double damage due to it’s piercing attack. Damage numbers slowly floated above it.

-1, -1, -8

The other bayring was flying back as it was hit with another bolt, sending it flying away once more.


“Just finish that one, I’ll hold the other one off!”

Jay nodded as he went back to stabbing the bayring. It wasn’t long before it died, it’s hard outer ring flickered for a moment before it seemingly vanished from existence; all that’s left was it’s crystal centre.

[30 Exp]

Jay analysed the crystal after sending Muffin off to attack the other one.

[Minor Crystal – Green]

[Alchemy ingredient Tier 1]

[Spell channel Tier 1]

“…spell channel?” whispered Jay to himself as he stashed the crystal, running over to fight the other bayring.

It was half health at this point, and it’s crystal was nearly charged since it only used [Graze] once at the start of the fight.

It was beginning to make a humming sound just as the crystal glowed it’s brightest –

“~HmmmMMM~~~[CRACK!]” Suddenly, with a loud cracking noise, the crystal released its energy, hitting Muffin squarely on the skull.

A flash of light lit up the dungeon for a moment, a thunder sound echoed back at them a few times afterwards.

“Shit!” Jay and Anya both said at the same time, waiting for their eyes to adjust to the darkness again. Checking that each other was ok, they realised the bayring attacked Muffin. It needed to die.

Nodding to each other, they didn’t need to say a word – they knew what they had to do.