Chapter: 648
“I… I see…” Norgrim pursed his lips, “Well, if you can find him, we can save him.” he nodded with an unconvincing smile.

“I’ll try.” William frowned.

“Let me know if there’s anything you need – anything. We must save Jay.”

“Thanks… I’ll try… Can I go now?” he said, still quite downcast.

Norgrim gestured to the door and smiled with a nod; he watched him leave and close the door.

“Weird… Sylvia and William both seem like they’ve body swapped.” he shook his head and leaned back in his char, “probably just a coincidence and not one of the students powers.”

A young woman walked into Matheson’s room, despite being twenty she still looked like a teenager.

Matheson creased his brows in both anger and confusion, and glared at her, wondering why she was here at all.

Truth be told, he expected a toothless tobacco-chewing fifty-year old gruffy man to walk in with a bag of creatively dangerous tools, all bent and twisted in different shapes and sizes.

“Hello, I’m Sylvia.” she smiled.

Matheson didn’t say anything. There was something off about her smile, and something in her which made him feel threatened – despite her short stature.

Still smiling, she cleared her throat, “I’ll make it short. I’m going to put a parasite into you,” she said in a voice which was way too happy, as she held something up to show him.

In her fingers was a wriggling black worm which had three sets of insect-like legs at either end of its body, along with some translucent fins running along its back.

Mathesons eyes widened, “No you fucking won’t.” he immediately flexed his muscles, using the fear to drive him to push harder against the cocoon.

He kept looking at the wriggling worm in her fingers; a tiny mouth lined with teeth let out a tongue which seemed to start tasting the air. She smiled slyly as she brought it closer.

“NO. YOU. FUCKING. WON’T!” he spat, hoping to knock the worm out of her hands.

Matheson then flexed as hard as he could, and to his surprise there was a snapping noise – well, more of a popping noise, followed by pain.

“GRAH! Get that FUCKING thing away from me!” he angrily screamed after his shoulder was dislocated.

Next, he leant forward, trying his most desperate tactic: biting the worm out of her fingers and hopefully destroying it with his teeth.

Of course, he failed. Nothing was ever that easy.

“Sorry, this might hurt a bit.” she pouted for a moment pretending to be sympathetic, but in no time another smile formed on her face as she proceeded with her experiment.

She walked behind Matheson and pushed his head forward and slamming it against the desk; she was much stronger than him as a third year student.

He was still shifting around as much as he could in a coccoon of unbreakable silk, but Sylvia didn’t mind – she just needed access to some bare flesh near the back of his neck.

Even Matheson’s toe would do, but the closer she got the parasite to the base of Matheson’s skull, the less painful it would be for him. It was like a sort of mercy, in a dark kind of way.