Chapter: 649
The parasites tongue kissed his flesh and then latched on, pulling its jaws closer, and soon it began to dig through his flesh.

For the next hour, all Matheson could do was scream in pain. He screamed till he passed out, wake up, then screamed some more.

By the end of it, he looked lifelessly at the table in front of him, his eyes bloodshot and drool dripping from his mouth while he shallowly breathed.

Unknown to his captors, something changed in Matheson’s mind, it was as if a switch had been flicked.

He realized he was trapped again. First by his father, then himself, and now here.

Finally, a trap he had no way of escaping: the parasite.

Weakness had led him to where he was now, and he realized that plainly. The truth was that simple.

Matheson was weak and had to die, and during the torturous worm eating towards his skull, it happened. He didn’t even cry out, saying he was a noble. He said nothing about his father or any nobility. He didn’t even bargain.

He simply fought defiantly, relying on himself to the bitter end.

Matheson was finally, figuratively, dead – reborn again. He was now nameless, and ready to start life anew. It was necessary; Matheson was too weak…

And in this painful stupor, the worm finally disabled his body and gave him some relief – under the command of Sylvia of course.

“I’ll give you control of your body after I do some tests.” Sylvia smiled and got to work, funneling some more varieties parasites into his body. Diagnostic bugs.

Matheson ignored her. He couldn’t feel anything, but neither did he care. As long as he was paralyzed, he was now even a prisoner in his own body.

However, the lack of sensation let him feel something else…

Something familiar, but new.

It was power in its raw form.

It was gentle.

It was mana.

Sylvia had finished with her tests, she gave Matheson back some bodily control. Not all of it, but some.

Matheson had sensed mana by himself for the first time, despite all the pain and mental trauma, he couldn’t help but grin madly, his eyes still bloodshot.

“…Why are you smiling?” Sylvia asked, seeming genuinely concerned this time.

Matheson only leant his head back and smiled, holding onto the feeling of mana sense and imprinting it in his mind.

“…Ok smiley. I’ll be back later.”

Matheson ignored her as she left, but couldn’t help but repeat what she said…