Chapter: 663
It charged forward again, the last spear crumbled and snapped as it pierced the bears skin, though it ignored the remaining skeletons which were nearly dead anyway.

Jay remained and watched on, and soon his hopelessness disappeared as it was replaced with an excited joy.

“I guess it’s not a circle of death. It ends with me.” he smiled.

This was his chance at survival and he was going to make the most of it.

Seeing that the bear was now alarmed, Jay made the remaining skeletons jump and hold onto it, to try and slow it even more.

Jay quickly created another bone pile and summoned two skeletons which had just died. The last of his mana left his body, and his mind was now feeling slow and numb.

Thankfully, he had two more spears left which he had previously crafted.

If only for a moment they would slow it down, but that would be all the time that the underground lizards would need.

The mushrooms attached to the bears paws already slowed it down enough so that every now and then a few lizards could attach another fruit, which only slowed it down more.

The process would be a snowball effect.

Jay’s skeletons rushed back into the field. The beast had crossed the half-way point but was slowing down.

In a few moments it already had more fruit attached to its legs; some unfortunate lizards also joined the mass of fruit attached to its legs – though they were quickly pulverized into bloody messes.

Jay could tell the beasts energy was dwindling; it had been fighting skeletons and pursuing him all this way. Plus, it had already lost a deer after a long chase too.

Now that the vines were on its back he could see every one of its muscles straining and being pushed to their limits, almost snapping with each step the beast would take. It was like it was walking through thick mud, or even a tar pit. It wouldn’t last long.

Nevertheless, it maintained a reasonable speed. Even with a skeleton clinging to its body and the large growing balls of hardened red fruit on each of its legs.

It was slower than before but was still quite fast, all things considered.

At least until it made it to the fresh spear-wielding skeletons.

It was stopped again, not even having the strength to push past two spears now.

The lizards were still working diligently, and even more quickly, as they sensed it slowing down.

Jay smiled for a moment, thinking he had won, but his smile was shortly wiped away.

Suddenly, the vines moved again, seeming to get smaller as they moved around the bears body.

“What the fuck?” Jay couldn’t believe his eyes.

The vines suddenly pierced the bears skin and coiled around its legs; they quickly gave it a boost of strength to get through the small roadblock.


If it got past the skeletons, there would be nothing he could do. His mana dwindled so low that it may as well be zero, and the beast would slay him without restraint.