Chapter: 664
Both of them had low energy too, so Jay wouldn’t be able to run far – though the beast would still be able to travel further than he could without his skeleton cohort carrying him along.

“I didn’t want to have to use these…” Jay thought, pulling out an acid-filled crystal from his inventory, “But it seems I have no choice.”

The crystal looked as harmless as a jewel resting in his hand, but inside was acid which could melt through giant stone statues and pyramids floors alike.

The vines re-enforced the beasts muscles and allowed it to push past the spears and crack them in half. Again, it ignored the two skeletons, Red and Sweeper, and it went to dash past quickly.

Meanwhile Jay looked at the skeleton clinging to its flesh, and suddenly he had a better idea.

Jay directly send a bunch of thought commands to Red, the stress in each thought making the skeleton respond instantly.

Red grabbed a snapped piece of bone spear. Standing near a mushroom tendril, it found one with a fruit still attached.

A simple flick was all it took.

“Can’t believe I didn’t do this sooner…” Jay shook his head.

Red used the broken spear to push the red fruit towards the bear, and it exploded onto the vines.

It wouldn’t have worked it the bear was still as fast as it’s original speed, but now each of its paws was covered in a bulky mass of the red fruits, sand, and some dead lizards scattered throughout.

The bear only noticed after it pulled against the tendril. To Jay’s surprise, the tendrils were stronger than they looked, and refused to give way.

The bear turned its head. With a pained roar it shook its body, and the vines moved again.

Some of the vines were ripped off; a necessary sacrifice to keep its life.

However, this pause allowed even more fruit to attach to its paws and legs, while the dastardly skeleton flung another tendril-attached fruit towards it.

This time, it stuck right onto its fur, exploding and growing into a large red plaster and seeping deep into its skin.

Jay smiled like a fiend as he watched. His plans were coming to fruition; literally.

The beast still clung to hope as it tried to pull away, straining its fur against the fruit and attempted to rip itself away, enduring the pain.

Then, another fruit came flying, attaching to the vines again.

Then another, to its fur.

Then another, and another, and another. Red just wouldn’t fucking stop, no matter how much the bear roared.

Jay was almost beginning to feel sorry for it – with all these attached mushrooms it was about to be ripped apart in many different directions. Unless it could get free.

Bombarded by fruit from above and below, the beast could do nothing now but collapse from exhaustion and hunger.

Still, its eyes were fixated on Jay.

Anger, hate, hunger, bitterness, revenge… then after a few moments, gratitude, rest, congratulation.