Chapter: 665
Its eyes seemed to say everything that a roar couldn’t.

A feeling of sorrow mixed in with Jay’s excitement to kill it – he was unknowingly about to snuff out another immortal life; a mind much older than a humans would ever be.

While it was only level twenty-seven, it had reached these heights hunting in the outside world. Its prey was nothing but the low level forest fauna and the odd monster which it slayed mercilessly, neither of which would give abundant experience.

The vines also sapped its strength until it was used to feed again. In one sense, it was like a slave to the vines.

The mushrooms responded to the pulling on their tendrils, and they began to retract.

Red was continuing its orders with blind diligence, adding more and more mushrooms to the monsters flesh.

The mushroom field seemed to be stronger than the beast; each of its caps pulled the beast without even bending.

Jay had tried to analyse them, but to no avail.

The beast continued to gaze at Jay was it was soon dragged across the sand…

The blood-vine bear had been caught in the mushrooms.

Just like the glade deer, it body was soon suspended in the air; its legs hanging with large balls of red fruit and dead lizards weaved into the mess.

Unlike the glade deer, the bear was now attached to many mushroom tendrils, more than what was possible for a lone animals. Red was diligent if nothing else.

Its fur was pulled tight, and the vines were still trying to fight back as they sunk into the beasts skin, but it was for nothing. The bear had already given its all.

It seemed that the red fruit even penetrated the flesh and went down to mixing with bone as it grew into every crack, as not only flesh was pulled away.

The body of the bear was like a rag-doll as it was pulled tight.

Pieces of flesh were ripped out by the mushroom tendrils in some places, while others caused its bone to dislocate and soon enough it ripped away limbs.

Life left the bears eyes, but not a single drop of blood fell from its wounds.

The vines became red once more; they retracted from the bear, draining the last of its blood.

Jay ignored any notifications he received as he watched quietly.

The bear died, and soon the vines would follow.

Below it though, hundreds of lizards were holding red fruits in the air, and the vine had no eyes of its own so it didn’t event realise its current predicament.

Jay didn’t really mind the gore, as he was previously a butcher anyway. He was used to it. Besides, all the things he saw as an adventurer built up his tolerance.

Each piece of the bear separated and pulled under a different mushroom cap, along with ripped off pieces of the blood vines.

The mushrooms closed, and one of them even seemed like an over-stuff snake as it took the bulk of the bears body and dipped back below the sand.