Chapter: 672
The pain was not just from his imagination, but a response from the creatures living in his arm. Somehow, they sensed that he meant them harm, and as his body shivered again he almost fell off his throne.

The pain was so great that time seemed to slow down and in that moment he wished for nothing but death, and after giving up the idea to harm them, the pain suddenly stopped as if a switch was flicked off.

Jay gripped his chair, his nails digging into it, “Fuck…” he had a cold sweat.

While he had been stabbed right through his chest before, the pain from these tiny parasites was otherworldly, incomparable.

It made being pierced through the chest with a giant stone sword seem like nothing but an ant bite. Somehow the parasites in his arm ramped up the levels of pain as they responded to the second time he threatened them.

After some time, Jay got back to his senses, and knew he still had to take them out of his arm. Somehow.

“Okay. Amputation is not an option.” he breathed for a moment, then continued to stare at the bubble of liquid on his arm.

“Stop.” he commanded his skeletons as his throne came to a stop under a more lighted area; he stuck his arm into one of the endless shafts of light peaking through the trees.

Under the beam of sunlight, Jay watched it for a while.

The little green things inside went back so sitting calmly under his flesh. Dormant. Inactive again.

“It’s like they’re waiting for something… it’s like they can sense what I’m thinking. Maybe I can sense what they’re thinking. They at least can sense the outside world, outside of the flesh boil they’re living in. Somehow.”

For a moment, Jay even wanted to learn from them, to take some time to copy their abilities, but he pushed that thought away quickly – in his list of priorities his life came first, then research followed afterwards.

“…but what are they waiting for?” he made a thoughtful look at them.

They didn’t appear to be feeding on him, or growing, or reproducing.

They were just strangely dormant. For now they weren’t harming Jay – as long as he didn’t harm them anyway.

It was only part of his skin around it which was slightly inflamed and red that made it itch, but after removing the molodus coat it was beginning to stop being red.

It was almost like the molodus coat sensed a threat and was trying to attack it, to consume it in whatever way it could, but also couldn’t hurt its master.

After calming himself down, Jay decided to lovingly stash his poisonous coat away in his inventory. He knew it meant him no harm after all.

Next, he planned for a future operation. One which would be more barbaric rauther than surgical or clinically clean.

If these things were going to attempt to consume him, his arm would need to be cut off – but he wouldn’t be able to do it, and neither would he be able to command the skeletons to.

Not the skeletons without minds, anyway.

If he did command them to cut his arm off, then the creatures in his arm would cause him excruciating pain, and he would be forced to command them to stop.

The ones with minds could be a different case though, as they could think for themselves. At least to some degree.

His plan? Give one of the larger skeletons a mind, have it learn of his parasite, and eventually he would command it to chop off his infested arm no matter what he said afterwards.

Perhaps not directly to chop off his arm, but along the lines of ‘protect me from any and all threats’.