Chapter: 673
He also thought to give it a command to ignore his commands if his life was in danger if it meant saving his life.

That way, hopefully, the skeleton would carry out his orders even after he asked it to stop.

Even if he screamed at it to stop.

Then, when he asked it to stop, the squirming creatures may not react and cause him pain.

Meanwhile, the skeleton would carry out its task and remove them. Along with his arm.

Possibly. It was all just a theory anyway.

Plus, in Jay’s weird and curious mind it would be an interesting experiment. Would his skeletons override new commands in favour of an older one? Or vice versa?

As Jay thought about it, he wondered where he could have even acquired this little parasite from in the first place.

He remembered it was itching as he walked along the desert, but even before that there was a slight itch.

There was no itch before he fought with the perreton wolves in the dead of night though.

“… Perhaps, while I was sleeping?” he guessed.

For a while, he was asleep while perreton wolves descended from the skies around him, being chopped to pieces by his merciless skeletons.

Thinking about these little green worm-like parasites crawling out of a disemboweled corpse of one of those flying underground wolves and crawling into his skin made him shudder in disgust.

“Hmm, in the desert it burned… perhaps it hates dry air?” he thought.

“Perhaps… it loves moisture…?”

Jay made a thoughtful look at the stream. He was being carried along it, as it too flowed south, and he figured it would be good to have a water source.

Jumping off the throne, he leant down and placed his arm in the cool gentle waters.

“Ahh,” he smiled.

As soon as he dipped the boil in, a wave of relaxed pleasure washed across his mind.

It felt good. Too good. Way too good.

The little green things in his arms curled into little balls as if responding to the cold – though it seemed like they were now releasing something into Jay’s blood to make him feel warm and dazed and completely euphoric.

He waited for a while to see if anything else would happen, but there was nothing – nothing except the nice feeling of warmth wrapping around his mind somehow getting stronger.

“Perhaps I can cut them out now…” he thought.

But just as he brought his blade closer, he stopped.

Strangely, there was no pain as he thought about harming them, but he stopped.