Chapter: 675
Number Three trudged through the boulders, dirt, and over the rocky terrain on the side of the supreme mountain range.

Clouds seemed to pass over it high above, each of them speeding overhead but resoundingly quiet.

Following the trail of dead skeletons and strange tracks, he finally came to its end.

He began to analyze it as if it were a crime scene.

“Four skeletons put up a fight here…”

“No more tracks along the mountain…”

Finally, he noticed something under the curtains of tendrils hanging from the mushrooms.

“… Bones in the desert? But why cross here, of all places?” he wondered.

The desert had no tracks in it as there was movements under the sand, constantly shifting it around.

The little lizards plucking the fruit were still hard at work and destroying any signs that someone went across the desert.

Any signs except for the pile of bones under a large mushroom in the center.

Instead of pursuing immediately, Number Three first took something out of his inventory. Channeling some mana into it, he placed the strange item on a rock.

It was a fist-sized black sphere with a red band around it. After a moment it began to hover in the air and a red beam of light shot out of it.

Number Three turned it to face across the desert, and left it floating there.

It was a beacon. A marker.

Nothing special, simply a way for the other mage hunters to follow in his foot steps.

So far, he had guided the others by telling them he walked along the side of the mountain, between the cliffs and the desert, but now he was going to need his beacons.

While walking along the desert he was travelling south-west, but his beacon pointed south-east across the desert, which is where he was headed.

For a moment he simply stood there and gazed into the forest on the other side, wondering.

Number Three couldn’t help but wonder why Jay crossed here, of all places. It made more sense to him to keep following along the easy terrain on the edge of the desert.

Because of this, he was having a hard time trying to get into the mind of the young human necromancer.

As far as he could tell, Jays behaviour was both calculated and erratic. Blind but mindful.

A part of him still doubted that he was even following Jay since there were no human-sized shoe prints. Just skeletons and odd markings.

“Perhaps the bastards hiding in the cliffs, laughing at me. Maybe he’s not being pursued by a beast at all.” he started wondering, thinking that perhaps it was all an elaborate ruse.

The long journey seemed to be weighing on his mind as well, making him more paranoid than usual.