Chapter: 674
“But if I cut it out, the nice feeling will go away…” he smiled dumbly, “maybe just a little longer.” he nodded.

Jay slowly dropped from his knee to a more comfortable position, and was soon lying on his stomach.

“Maybe I’ll just… wait a bit longer” he smiled.

Soon enough he was lying down next to the water, looking at the little green worms in his arm.

“I guess they aren’t so bad. Once you get to know them.” he smiled, his eye lids starting to close.

The little green worms were still curled up into balls, within the large boil on Jay’s arm. Each of them releasing something into Jay’s blood which was making him feel amazing.

Better than amazing – it was intoxicating.

The colours of the forest somehow seemed more colourful, the mushrooms especially which seemed to almost glow.

It was like his eyes had pulled back a layer of reality and was looking at a more vibrant world; each of the ancient interweaving tree roots he was lying on seemed like a grand puzzle made by some renowned architect. A divine tapestry woven for a wood-eldritch lord.

His eyes were seeing patterns he had never seen before, and somehow he felt like a piece of the puzzle.

“Amazing…” he smiled.

Suddenly, he heard what sounded like a glass smashing somewhere nearby – looking around for a moment he was startled, and thought it must have been the skeletons, but there was no glass anywhere.

“Did I imagine that?” he wondered.

Then another thought popped into his head, “No. It’s fine. Everything is fine… just rest.”

He agreed with his own thought, “Yes. Just rest” he smiled, nodding, agreeing with himself.

Confused, he told the skeletons to defend him and went back to lazily relaxing on the edge of the stream.

The skeletons left the throne and formed a defensive circle around their master as they stared into the forest.

Slowly, his blinks became more slower. His eyes opening less than they used to.

Soon, his eyelids grew much too heavy. Heavier than they had ever been.

Finally they closed.

“I’ll just… mmm” he released one last satisfied hum.

“Sleep. You’re safe. I’m safe.” he thought to himself.

One last nudge was all it took, and in utter euphoria, he finally fell asleep.

His arm still floating lightly in the river, bobbing up and down gently as he lay there on a bed of roots in hollow forest.

Number Three was the closest mage hunter to Jay, and felt like he should have found him by now. Even he was surprised a level nine adventurer had this much endurance.