Chapter: 688
He tried to close his eyes and just be still for a moment and relax, but his thoughts only got louder and more demanding.

Slowly it was like he was being mentally drained from arguing with himself. A part of his mind just wouldn’t shut off.

“What the fuck is wrong with me…”

Gritting his teeth in anger, he jumped down from the throne and pushed his arm back into the water.

For a small moment, he felt good again, a small relief.

His anger was gone. His thoughts became quiet again.

With a sigh, he jumped back onto the throne and had the skeletons continue.

Soon enough his anger was gone, however, his own thoughts began to rattle his mind again, even yelling at himself in his own head.

It was tolerable at first, but after another hour it was annoying, then another hour, and soon enough he was gritting his teeth in anger.

“Argh just shut the fuck up!” he yelled at himself.

“Have I lost my damn mind?” he asked himself.

For whatever reason, he felt like his thoughts were more clearer if he said them out loud, and he had noticed a strange pattern.

Some of the other thoughts he was having were simply okay at first: ‘eat all your rations, thrust your arm into the river’.

And then, he would reason with himself: ‘I will need to save those for later, and no I need to keep moving’.

It was somewhat mentally exhausting arguing with himself though.

But that wasn’t the problem.

His thoughts were become more evil, more… crazy: “Send skeletons to kill peasants. Kidnap. Burn. Punish. Slay mercilessly.”

Even though he reasoned with these thoughts, they simply repeated themselves, and kept repeating themselves until he was screaming at his own mind to shut up.

“Did these worms do something to me…?” he wondered.

Suddenly, he had a thought about the worms.

A few thoughts.

“Kill them.”

“Eat them.”

“Burn them. Cut yourself.”

Jay paused for a moment. A confused look on his face.