Chapter: 689
“I just thought to harm the parasites and nothing happened…”

He quickly drew his sword and thought about cutting his arm off – however, the parasites quickly gave him a shot of warning pain.

“Argh, fuck. I won’t then, don’t worry.” he shook his head, and the parasites stopped the pain.

Storing his sword away, he realised something strange though:

“If these parasites sense my own thoughts when I want to harm them, and they harm me in response, then before when I thought to kill, burn or eat them, the parasites didn’t harm me?”

“So either that means, those erratic thoughts are undetectable by the parasites…”

Jay felt fear rise in his heart as he realised,

“Or those aren’t my thoughts… or the parasites…”

At this moment the voices in his head started yelling into his mind, trying to distract his train of thought.

“But if that’s the case, then who’s, or what, are they?”

The other thoughts stopped. His mind returned to silence for a moment.

But only for a moment as they returned even louder and angrier.

“BURN! KILL! SLAY! DESTROY! STEAL!” the thoughts rang through Jay’s mind with a commanding anger. It was so loud that Jay was shocked.

He even covered his ears with his hands but it didn’t help a single bit.

“What the fuck? NO!”



The voices continued to yell through his mind, so Jay gathered his own thoughts by speaking out loud.

“They’re not my thoughts! Somehow they’re in my mind. How are they getting in? They must have entered, somehow, so how do I get them out?”

Jay felt helpless. Whatever this was, he had no clue how to deal with it. It was something he could barely even describe. Something immaterial.

“Detached thoughts… disembodied voices… I wonder if they have a soul.” Jay began to smile as a spark of hope rose in his heart.

Suddenly, Jay used his own ability on himself, one that he had not used for quite a while, simply because of the dire warning it came with.

The last time he used this ability, he felt like something was fighting him, pulling the soul upwards, and strangely he felt like he committed an offence of a higher power.

It was the strange ability which he had only used twice, and only had two clues:

<[Soul Sense]>