Chapter: 693
Jay looked at the boil with the little green things still in his arm.

Ironically these little invasive creatures had saved him. Thankfully, they were still in their dormant state, and so he let his thoughts drift elsewhere.

“My seal has healed… Forgiveness comes at a price?” Jay continued to think, looking thoughtful.

First he was assaulted by strange thoughts, and then a notification that disappeared as soon as he read it, followed by an incredible feeling of a drop of water refreshing his mind.

The whole experience itself almost didn’t feel real; nevertheless, he went through it, analysing it systemically.

“Those thoughts even sounded like my own… having my own voice. The only difference is, they quickly became more and more evil, wanting me to do vile things.”

“… and before that I was passed out…”


“before I passed out, there was the glass smashing sound?”

The smashing glass sound was the one thing he remembered vividly in his euphoric experience, the only thing which stood out, as there was no one else around to even smash a glass.

Following that was him waking up afterwards and hearing the extra voices in his head.

“Waking up… that’s right. Something jolted me awake, something powerful… or did I imagine it?”

“… hmm.” Jay scratched his chin for a moment.

“Sweeper, head back…” Jay was about to send a scout to investigate the booming noise, but decided he would need a more stealthy approach.

“Wait Sweeper stay here. Dark, head back to the loud noise and investigate. Don’t be seen.”

While Dark may have not been more stealthier than Sweeper, it did have one advantage: a mind.

It was a harsh training method, but it would either be stealthy or learn how to be.

The small skeleton nodded and dashed off into the forest, easily vaulting over the large root systems weaving across the forest floor as it sprinted towards where the earth-shaking noise came from – though it did look back at Jay once last time as it left.

“Oh?” Jay smiled, “I think it wants to stay…” he shook his head, feeling a sort of bond with his assassin skeleton.

Dark didn’t know what ‘investigate’ meant, but it would have a look around for its master.

Jay simply planned to use the host skill to take a look while using Dark as his eyes, but for a moment he wondered if he could even look through the eyes of a skeleton with a mind.

“Hmm, it should work,” he thought, “but to make sure…”

Jay activated his [host] ability on his only other skeleton with a mind: Heavy.

Heavy was trudging along the side of Jay’s throne nurturing its thick shield, periodically using it to swash away the odd plant which defiantly sprung up between the tapestry of ancient roots.

Jay decided it had a lot to carry already so he didn’t make it help to lift his throne, and there were not many plants to cut out of the way here as everything was either covered by roots or shade, stopping or stunting the growth of many of the forest floor plants.