Chapter: 694
As Jay used the skill, everything went black again, and then the world returned again in black and white. Jay didn’t try to do anything, and Heavy kept trudging on – not realising its master was looking through its eyes.
Jay felt strange as he was both using the host skill, and was also not controlling the skeleton. It was like breathing – your body will breath on your own but you can control it too.
Apparently Heavy didn’t even realise Jay was in its head. Until Jay tried to move.
When he did control its body it was like normal, however, when he turned around and gazed at his body, something was different about him.
Something that only made him as intrigued as he was confused.
He stopped while staring at himself on the throne.
In a world of black and white, Jay had colour: a single colour. The only colour.
An aura of deep green light radiated around his body. He was like a glowing star in a galaxy of grey. He was the shining light of the skeletons.
A green light, but still.
Ending the skill, he woke up in his body again.
Next, he tested, using the host skill on another skeleton without a mind and gazed at himself – though he appeared normal; black and white.
“Odd. Looks like only the ones with minds see me with a green aura.” he thought, returning to his body again.
He stared at Heavy for a moment, who quickly went back to marching.
“How very odd.” he quietly said.
Jay shifted in his throne and gazed back at the strange bubble of flesh on his arm.
“I’ll need to remove this soon…” he thought, “but I think for tonight we will just keep moving.”
The forest was much cooler than the desert, and was getting colder as the afternoon sun began to touch the clouds and turn the skies orange.
The thick forest canopy above had made it much darker than it should have been.
Jay took out the molodus coat and wrapped it around his shoulder, preparing for the long march through the night.
Before the sun completely disappeared, Jay decided to craft some spare sets of weapons for his minions, arming them to the teeth before they would encounter the next enemy on their journey.
It wasn’t long before they were all armed again – all except for Dark who was investigating the explosion.
As Jay was carried along, it seemed there was some orange light up ahead.
Coming closer he found that it was simply the afternoon sun, shining past the thick canopy of leaves as there was a large circular clearing here.
“Dungeon entrance?” Jay wondered.
As came closer to the clearing, there were no trees around, and no roots dared to cross the circle. It was a ring of black soil with no grass, or weeds; no stones or rocks. Not even a footprint or a fallen leaf. No signs of life at all – only the black soil.