Chapter: 86
“Good morning Jay”
“Morning…” Jay looked confused since Sullivan said nothing for a moment “..How can I help?”
“Anya told me about the dungeon. You two went a long way. Further than anyone has been on their first attempt, and you did it as a duo. Seems like your class is quite strong.”
“Yeah. Anya’s skills really complemented mine.”
“Yes, it seems like you synergised quite well. She was telling me your.. Friends… couldn’t reach the bayrings at one point.”
Jay scratched his head a little embarrassed “Yeah. They are quite short. Good thing she was able to stun them.”
“Risky.” Sullivan glared at Jay with eyes like a predator, a pressure washed over Jay’s mind.
Immediately, Jay responded under the intense pressure “I would’ve sacrificed all three of them twice over, and then drawn the bayring’s away myself so she could escape if she needed to. She was not in any danger at that point.”
Jay had become better at lying, even enjoying it, but this was something that made his heart feel like it was being squeezed; while Anya was in danger at one point, Jay’s use of words made his sentence truthful.
“Good answer.” The pressure from his glare left as quickly as it came.
Sullivan read some papers in front of him “I’ve chosen you to be given advanced training from all three trainers. Obviously, you will join the adventurer guild and continue to party with Anya, in exchange we will protect your secret.” Sullivan didn’t turn his head upward from his notes, but his eyes looked up at Jay.
Jay only nodded in response as Sullivan looked down again and continued.
“Your first lesson will be with the manacraft trainer who I’ve instructed to teach you some ranged-based magic. These will be private so others don’t find out about your class – and don’t worry about the trainers, they have all been my companions since I was your age. Be sure to take some essence of your type… though I’m not sure what yours may look like.”
“Essence?” Jay questioned with a raise brow.
“Essence is something that’s moulded by your abilities into doing different things. For example, an ice-type manacrafter will carry extra water to perform ice-based magic attacks. Their abilities mould the water into becoming parts of spells. Think of it as an ingredient to make stronger spells.”
Jay realised that bones must’ve been his essence since he could freely mould them with his green gas – a physical manifestation of his manacrafting. He simply nodded “Sure. I think I can find something like that.” Jay held back a sly smile which almost appeared on his face.
“Good. Lessons start today. Your sign-up has been taken care of. You’ll progress to the advanced melee lessons when you’re finished with the manacraft lessons. Don’t waste their time.”
“Sure.” Jay said as the door opened behind him.
Sullivan gestured at the door. “See you next time.” the guild master said as he went back to sorting through some papers.
“Bye.” getting up from the chair, Jay left through the door.
Walking down the hallway stairs and into reception, Margie greeted Jay “Honey, your trainer will be here momentarily. Please have a seat and wait a moment.”
“Ok, thanks Margie.”
“She’s a nice lady” Jay thought “Probably one of the only nice ones who work here”.
She smiled at Jay and went back to her work while Jay went to the chairs. The only place for Jay to sit was next to an adventurer who seemed to still be in pain, Jay analysed him.
[Trenly – Level 4]